Data Access

PPSC Rejected Source List Definitions


To maximise the science return of the PACS data sets, a homogeneous Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue (HPPSC) was constructed from all the scan map observations. The catalogue enables a systematic and unbiased comparison of sensitivity across different Herschel fields that single programs will generally not be able to provide.

This list contains all sources that are neither included in the HPPSC nor in the Herschel/PACS Extended Source List (HPESL), because they did not satisfy the quality criteria (see Section 3.4), and were rejected. The columns of the Herschel/PACS Rejected Source List (HPRSL) are Source ID, RA, Dec, RAerr, Decerr, OBSID and band. Other data are intentionally not provided. The detections listed here are completely unreliable and any further investigation on them has to be done by the user.

For more information, see the Explanatory Supplement.

Name Intype Units Description
sourceid int Source name
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
raerr double deg Uncertainty in RA
decerr double deg Uncertainty in Dec
obsid long First OBSID from the list that builds the map
band char PACS band