Data Access
PRobing InterStellar Molecules with Absorption line Studies (PRISMAS) Overview
PRISMAS Overview PRISMAS Data Access PRISMAS Data Table


High-resolution Herschel HIFI spectroscopy of ~25 molecules (hydrides containing the elements H, D, C, N, O, F and Cl) detected in absorption against the background emission of 10 sources (two directions towards Sgr A, W28A, W31C, W33A, G34.3+01, W49N, W51, DR21(OH) and W3-IRS5) observed as part of the PRISMAS key programme (KPGT_mgerin_1). For each observation, the delivery comprises the calibrated reduced HIFI data corrected for instrumental artifacts in CLASS-readable FITS table format and in generic FITS table format, together with quick-look plots marking the main transitions detected, and various HIPE/CLASS scripts useful to reproduce or to independently perform the data reduction.

If you use PRISMAS data, please cite both the journal article Neufeld et al. (2010) and the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA515.

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Data Set Characteristics

Data ProductDescriptionData Access
Spectra Herschel HIFI Bands 1-7: 480-1906 GHz (157-625 microns)

PRISMAS Documentation

DocumentationRelated Information
PRISMAS Release Notes HIPE v11 scripts (zip)
HIPE v12 scripts (zip)
HIFI Instrument Handbook