File name key:

PACS_PHOT: begins with the object identifier, and contains a band identifier
("blue" = 70 microns, "green" = 100 microns, "red" = 160 microns).

SPIRE_PHOT: begins with the object identifier, ends with calibration 
information and band (PSW = 250 microns, PMW = 350 microns, PLW = 500 microns).
Calibration: "psrc" = standard point source calibration applied. 
"extd" = correction from point source calibration to extended source surface 
brightness calibration. 
"ExtEmiGainsApplied" = application of the bolometer relative gains, optimizing a map for extended emission.

PACS_SPEC: begins with the object identifier, ends with line (for example OI145 
for [OI]145 microns), and a suffix for each version of the map:

Flux_raw.fits = raw cube, holes within the map were not filled, no smoothing was applied. Unit is wm-2sr-1 for the flux and error
Flux.fits = holes within the map were filled, no smoothing was applied. Unit is wm-2sr-1 for the flux and error
Flux_wm-2px-1.fits = raw cube, holes within the map were not filled, no smoothing was applied. Unit is wm-2px-1 for the flux and error

SPIRE_FTS: includes the object identifier, band (SSW = 194-313 microns, SLW = 303-671 microns),
and information about the cube:

apodized = the data were smoothed in Fourier space with the extended Norton-Beer function 1.5.
supreme = a gridding and super-resolution method called SUPREME, , both smoothed and unsmoothed.
nearest (neighbor), naive, convolution, and gridding are different gridding/projection algorithms for making the spectral map within HIPE.

(Note, previews don't work for SPIRE_FTS)