Key to V838MON Spectral Metadata Table Columns

All the data returned from the search are listed in tabular form on the results page. Any source tables found are listed first, followed by images. This help page explains the format and columns of the catalog metadata table (standard flat ascii file in IPAC format).

Click here for the V838MON data delivery document.

Catalog Metadata Table

The V838MON spectral metadata column header is as follows:

     |  ra   |  dec   | instrument | spectrum_fits | spectrum_jpg  |

Below is the key describing each column name found in the Atlas V838MON spectral metadata table.

Column Name Column Data Type Data Units Short Definition
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
instrument char Instrument name
spectrum_fits char null Spectrum (FITS)
spectrum_jpg char null Spectrum preview

Click here for more information the ascii IPAC table format. Instructions