The Very Nearby Galaxies Survey - a Herschel key program

Proposal ID: KPGT_cwilso01_1	
Title: "Physical Processes in the Interstellar Medium of Very Nearby
Principal Investigator: Christine Wilson (McMaster University)
Category: KPGT
We propose to use the SPIRE and PACS instruments on Herschel to measure the 
emission spectrum from dust as well as important cooling lines from the 
gaseous interstellar medium in sample of 13 very nearby galaxies (M51, M81, 
NGC2403, NGC891, M83, M82, Arp220, NGC4038/39, NGC1068, NGC4151, CenA, 
NGC4125, and NGC205). These galaxies have been chosen to probe as wide a 
region in galaxy parameter space as possible while maximizing the achievable
spatial resolution and are already well-studied from X-ray and optical 
through to radio wavelengths. The far-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths 
probed by Herschel are absolutely crucial for understanding the physical 
processes and properties of the interstellar medium,the interplay between 
star formation and the interstellar medium in galaxies, and how they may 
depend on the wider galaxian environment.

VNGS Target Galaxies mapped with SPIRE photometer (all):
Arp 220
Cen A
M 81
M 82
M 83
NGC 1068
NGC 205  (also includes some outskirts of M31)
NGC 2403
NGC 4038  ("the Antennae"; also includes NGC 4039)
NGC 4125
NGC 4151
NGC 5194 (M51; also includes companion NGC 5195)
NGC 891

Files summary:

Naming convention:
arp220-2C8F-PLWmap_MS-v51-Brigade.fits  - 500 micron map
arp220-2C8F-PMWmap_MS-v51-Brigade.fits	- 350 micron map
arp220-2C8F-PSWmap_MS-v51-Brigade.fits	- 250 micron map

Pixel sizes are 6, 8, 12" at 250, 350, and 500 microns, respectively

Reference for data reduction: G. J. Bendo et al., 2012, MNRAS, 419,

Additional Notes:

Two sets of maps are included for Cen A, M81, and M82. 

M81 and M82 were SDP targets and so we provide both maps made with
larger pixels that were used for the SDP publications (Bendo et
al. 2010, Roussell et al. 2010) as well as the standard maps.

M8[1,2]*largePix.fits - SDP reduction, pixel sizes 6, 10, 14"
M8[1,2]*smallPix.fits - standard reduction, pixel sizes 6, 8, 12"

Cen A has a variable central source and so was observed a second time
with the SPIRE photometer at the same time as the SPIRE spectrometer
observation. The second observation is shallower and smaller.

cena-2C77-*.fits - deep map
cena-66AC-*.fits - smaller, shallow map