NHSC User Panel
Membership of the Last NHSC User Panel
- Margaret Meixner (NUP chair 2008-2015; STScI)
- Eiichi Egami (2010-2015; Univ. of Arizona)
- Moshe Elitzur (2008-2015; Univ. of Kentucky)
- Andy Harris (2008-2015; Univ. of Maryland)
- Paul Harvey (2008-2015; UT)
- Joe Hora (2008-2015; CfA)
- + Ex Officio: Paul Goldsmith (US Project Scientist; NASA/JPL)
Charge to Users Panel
The NHSC Users Panel (NUP) was created to perform the following:
- Provide independent external advice to the NHSC.
- Advise the NHSC on philosophy, approach and details of user interfaces, both programmatic (e.g., calls for proposals, grant process), and technical (e.g., software tools).
- Assess quality of support and services offered by the NHSC to users, again in terms of programmatic and technical interfaces.
- Act as advocate for the U.S.-based community in the context of NHSC planning and priority setting. As advocates for the US-based community: comment on topics affecting users, including NHSC interfaces to the ESA Project, effectiveness of NHSC in community engagement and technical assistance, and NHSC policies and grant administration.
NUP Reports Archive