z0MGS_Dust Catalog Definitions


The z0MGS_Dust project consists of Herschel images in the PACS and SPIRE available for 1578 galaxies, dust emission parameters for 819 galaxies, and integrated photometry and dust parameters for 877 galaxies. The final catalog used in this study uses WISE and Herschel data to derive interstellar dust parameters and scaling relations with other galactic information such as stellar mass, star formation rate, and related values.

If you use z0MGS_Dust data, please cite both the journal article Chastenet et al. (2024) and the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA581.

Name Intype Units Description
GALNAME char Galaxy common identifier
PGCNAME char Galaxy PGC identifier
ra double deg Right Ascension
dec double deg Declination
R25_DEG double deg Optical radius
POSANG_DEG double deg Position angle; if none, set to 0 during processing
INCL_DEG double deg Inclination; if none, set to 0 during processing
DIST_MPC double Mpc Distance
REFF_DEG double deg Effective radius
WISE1 double Jy WISE1 flux in r_25 aperture
WISE2 double Jy WISE2 flux in r_25 aperture
WISE3 double Jy WISE3 flux in r_25 aperture
WISE4 double Jy WISE4 flux in r_25 aperture
PACS70 double Jy PACS70 flux in r_25 aperture
PACS100 double Jy PACS100 flux in r_25 aperture
PACS160 double Jy PACS160 flux in r_25 aperture
SPIRE250 double Jy SPRE250 flux in r_25 aperture
FIT_TYPE char Dust fit type
UMIN float Minimum radiation field
UBAR float Average radiation field
GAMMA float Fraction of dust heated by a power-law combination of radiation field from the
QPAH float 'percent' Fraction of dust mass in the form of PAHs from the integrated fit
MDUST double solMass Total dust mass from the integrated fit
eUMIN double Uncertainty in UMIN
eUBAR double Uncertainty in UBAR
eGAMMA double Uncertainty in GAMMA
eQPAH double 'percent' Uncertainty in QPAH
eMDUST double solMass Uncertainty in MDUST