Index of /data/IRTS/docs/IRTS_isas/local/ipac/May28-97
Name Last modified Size Description
README.html 2006-05-19 15:28 4.5K
README.html_ORIG 2006-05-19 15:28 4.3K
README.html_ERR 2006-05-19 15:28 379
NOTES TO ipac_att FILES RELEASED 1997-05-28
1- This is the third and final release of the improved preflip
data, and includes position reconstructions for 30 orbits in
two packets from the pre-flip period, namely 03292312 and
03310335. Previous reconstructions of these packets are super-
seded and should be replaced. Orbits included are 180-209, how-
ever not all have been re-fit from previous releases. Newly
fitted orbits are 180, 181, and 193-209, of which 180, 193, and
195-203 were previously flagged as dubious.
2- Note the following changes compared to previous releases:
(a) Orbit 180 could not be solved entirely, but Dr. Minoru
Freund obtained a good solution using NIRS data for the
1100 sec including the galactic center. Good reconstruc-
tions for orbits 193 and 195--203, previously marked as
dubious, have been obtained. Orbits 194 & 209, previous-
ly believed to be good, were discovered to be substan-
tially in error, due to G-angle changes in the middle of
the CC segment, and improved solutions have been
(b) Orbits 204-208 have been fitted in two segments (AB &
CC) with an accompanying gain in accuracy, as has been
done for the previous two releases (of 1997-04-28 and
1997-05-13). The segmentation occurs at point "D", and
at the sunrise point of each orbit, the two segments being
denoted "AB" for the first and "CC" for the second. The
result of this segmentation is a reduction in cross-scan
errors of typically 2-4 arcmin.
Most fit segments after orbit 192 have RMS residuals of
less than 2.0 arc min cross-scan and less than 1.0 arc min
in-scan, and many are substantially better. Typical
attitude errors should be less, by a factor depending on
the number of match stars (usually in the range 15-45) used
in the fit for each segment, and on the distribution of
unknown systematic effects.
(c) These typical residuals are still somewhat poorer than the
corresponding figures mentioned (1.5 & 0.6 amin) for the
previous delivery. The ripples, up to ~2 arc min in amplitude,
seen in the cross-scan residuals (Figure 1) are also larger
than for the two previous deliveries. In Figure 2 the
histogram sigmas are larger than before because of the global
pattern in offsets and the presence of several dubious orbits
early in the interval, as enumerated below.
(d) A few segments remain problematic, particularly some near
the beginning of the AB segment. Orbits 182, and 185--187
remain dubious and have been flagged accordingly. THESE
****** The users are warned that those time intervals, where the ******
****** boresight pointing uncertainties are set to 99.0', should ******
****** be used only with great attendant risk. The uncertainty ******
****** field M U S T A L W A Y S be consulted before use!!! ******
(e) Portions of some other orbits are also flagged, typically when
no or few secure match stars could be found. This was the
rule in particular for the first ~400 sec of each orbit,
between point D and sunset.
3- Methods of reconstruction described in previous releases have generally
been used, and quality checks previously described have been applied.
Figure captions:
Figure 1: Plot of cross-scan (top) and in-scan (bottom) fit residuals
for the approximately 1245 match stars used in the 2 packets.
Figure 2: Top: Histogram of cross-scan residuals dX. RMS is 1.60
arc min. Bottom: Histogram of in-scan residuals dY. RMS is 0.79 arc
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Last modified: Thu Jan 22 12:46:42 PST 2004