Data Access

IRTS_LAN (IRTS original data set)

IRTS_LAN files contain all the data the IRTS instruments generated. The IRTS_LAN format is same as used in the IRTS operation time. But the current IRTS_LAN files were corrected time, sorted, and concatenated as `one day, one file' after the operation ended. Note that the IRTS_LAN files do not include the attitude data of the IRTS.


file name start time end time n_frames
irts_03291759cc.lan 03/29 18:00:08.040 03/29 23:12:38.017 17507
irts_03292312cc.lan 03/29 23:12:40.577 03/31 03:35:48.681 94387
irts_03310335cc.lan 03/31 03:35:50.729 03/31 23:54:34.666 71236
irts_03312358cc.lan 03/31 23:58:06.122 04/02 02:37:25.290 89706
irts_04020237cc.lan 04/02 02:37:26.314 04/03 00:28:11.155 70445
irts_04030028cc.lan 04/03 00:28:14.227 04/04 00:05:05.796 75441
irts_04031330cc.lan 04/04 00:05:10.404 04/05 01:09:23.324 78475
irts_04050109cc.lan 04/05 01:09:24.348 04/06 00:38:07.980 80520
irts_04060039cc.lan 04/06 00:39:44.237 04/07 00:10:45.597 77450
irts_04070010cc.lan 04/07 00:10:46.621 04/07 23:47:41.262 80640
irts_04072347cc.lan 04/07 23:47:43.822 04/09 00:54:03.271 84861
irts_04090219cc.lan 04/09 02:19:24.302 04/09 22:49:12.752 71270
irts_04092249cc.lan 04/09 22:49:15.312 04/11 01:08:57.454 92097
irts_04110242cc.lan 04/11 02:42:47.413 04/12 01:39:58.691 79341
irts_04120140cc.lan 04/12 01:40:03.811 04/13 00:40:15.186 79852
irts_04130040cc.lan 04/13 00:40:50.002 04/14 00:46:01.413 78005
irts_04140046cc.lan 04/14 00:46:05.509 04/15 02:22:30.848 89677
irts_04150222cc.lan 04/15 02:22:34.944 04/15 23:48:01.703 75137
irts_04152348cc.lan 04/15 23:48:05.799 04/17 00:49:32.446 84910
irts_04170049cc.lan 04/17 00:49:36.542 04/18 00:57:01.458 84306
irts_04180057cc.lan 04/18 00:57:04.530 04/19 00:35:05.219 78461
irts_04190035cc.lan 04/19 00:35:09.315 04/20 00:09:09.364 82723
irts_04200009cc.lan 04/20 00:09:12.436 04/21 01:05:22.540 87503
irts_04210105cc.lan 04/21 01:05:26.636 04/22 00:36:47.964 82490
irts_04220036cc.lan 04/22 00:36:51.037 04/23 00:12:43.726 82131
irts_04230012cc.lan 04/23 00:12:47.822 04/23 23:51:49.183 82990
irts_04232351cc.lan 04/23 23:51:52.255 04/25 00:16:15.924 85601
irts_04250016cc.lan 04/25 00:16:20.020 04/25 16:38:35.394 55428
irts_04260747cc.lan 04/26 07:47:43.748 04/26 16:06:32.616 11750
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IRTS_LAN Format                                by T. Onaka  Nov. 1, 1994
(1) Primary header:
        Format  Item          # of Byte  comments
        A8      file category  8         "IRTS_LAN" to designate IRTS_LAN file
        A24     original file 24         indicates the sfdu file from which
                                         this file is created (see below).
        A18     time(start)   18         same format as 'time' in sfdu-file
        A18     time(end)     18         same format as 'time' in sfdu-file
        I10     TI(start)     10         Time code of IRTS frame
        A1      Parity(start)  1         indicates even/odd frame (see below)
        I10     TI(end)       10         Time code of IRTS frame
        A1      Parity(end)    1         see below
        I10     FCN(start)    10         Frame counter (see below)
        I10     FCN(end)      10         Frame counter (see below)
        I6      Block number   6         Number of secondary headers
        A4      spare          4         Spare (Last byte is Line Feed) 
                                         (0A in HEX)

Note:   The naming method of the original sfdu file is not yet fixed, but
        should be less than 30 bytes.  The remaining bytes are left for
        future use in case that we need further information.  The details
        of these 30 bytes will be fixed later.

        Parity is defined as: 
        '-' for the start parity, if the first frame is an odd frame.
        ' ' for the start parity, if the first frame is an even frame
          and for the end partity, if the last frame is an odd frame.
        '+' for the end parity, if the last frame is an even frame.
        '*' indicates no TI defined because of the frame drop or so.
        in standby mode, no TI is available and this part is left as blank.

        This notation indicates whether the time code of the data set
        in question is clipped in between the even and odd frames or not.

        Frame counter may be used for the check of continuity, although
        it will be reset when the telemetry rate is changed.

(2) Secondary header:
        Format  Item          # of Byte  comments
        A18     time(start)   18         same format as 'time' in sfdu-file
        A18     time(end)     18         same format as 'time' in sfdu-file
        I10     TI(start)     10         Time code of IRTS frame
        A1      Parity(start)  1         indicates even/odd frame (see above)
        I10     TI(end)       10         Time code of IRTS frame
        A1      Parity(end)    1         see above
        I10     FCN(start)    10         Frame counter (see below)
        I10     FCN(end)      10         Frame counter 
        I10     # of frames   10
        I2      telemetry rate 2         0 for 6K, 1 for 3K, 2, for standby,
                                         and 3 for else (should not occur).
        A6      spare          6         spare (Last byte is LF)

        Frame counter should be reset at the beginning of the change of
telemetry rate.  The start FCN, then, could tell us if there is any frame
drop during the rate change.

        Thus, the total lengths of headers are:

                Primary header  : 120 bytes
                Secondary header:  96 bytes

(3) The data:

        In the 6K mode, 
struct  {                 
           char   time[18];             /* Experiment Data Time */
           char   IRT_DATA[768]         /* IRTS data */
           char   dummy[6]              /* dummy */

        In the 3K mode
struct  {                 
           char   time[18];             /* Experiment Data Time */
           char   IRT_DATA[384]         /* IRTS data */
           char   dummy[6]              /* dummy */

        In the standby mode
struct  {                 
           char   time[18];             /* Experiment Data Time */
           char   IRT_DATA[48]          /* IRTS data */
           char   dummy[6]              /* dummy */

        Therefore, the lengths of one frames are:

                792 bytes for the 6K mode
                408 bytes for the 3K mode
                72 bytes  for the standby mode

(4) The data structure:

        The data structure is the same as the one Nakagawa-san
proposed a few weeks ago:

        Primary header, Secondary header, Data, Secondary header, Data,....

Note: TIME format (18 characters) was changed when the time correction was performed.
        old: 95/04/01 12:34:56^@        note: `^@' = null code (0x00)
        new: 04/01 12:34:56.789
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time correction

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Last modified: Sep 30, 1997