Lost Data due to REC-H Overflow

From: Takao Nakagawa <nakagawa@astro.isas.jaxa.jp>
To: irts-e
Cc: nakagawa
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 95 22:08:20 +0900

Dear Colleagues,

Here is the information on the data loss due to the overflow of the
the high-rate data recorder of the SFU. Please see the IRTS meeting
summaries of April 14 and of April 16.

                 Lost IRTS data         Lost core HK data

        (1) 4/13 10:35:05 - 11:13:07    10:35:00 - 11:20:46
        (2) 4/13 15:35:01 - 15:47:13    15:34:46 - 15:46:12
        (3) 4/13 17:24:36 - 17:25:43    17:24:20 - 17:25:24
        (4) 4/16 14:14:11 - 14:18:26    14:13:59 - 14:17:53
        (5) 4/16 23:13:39 - 23:46:09    23:13:06 - 23:45:56
        (6) 4/17 02:02:52 - 02:07:54    02:02:40 - 02:07:39
        (7) 4/17 03:46:50 - 03:47:40    03:46:34 - 03:47:11

This list is complied by, Okumura, Tanaka, Murakami, and Nakagawa.

Best Regards,

Takao Nakagawa
Last modified: Nov 27, 1997