Data Access

MUSYC Photometric Redshift Catalog Definition

MUSYC Overview

The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) consists of deep optical medium-band and broadband optical and near-IR imaging of the ~30'x30' Extended Chandra Deep Field South. This field includes the GOODS-South field and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, and covers the same area as the SIMPLE Spitzer Legacy program.

The MUSYC project page can be found here. Documentation for the data can be found in Cardamone et al. (2010), and a README for the catalogs is also available.

Name Intype Units Description
Num int Sequential Object Identifier
ra double degree Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double degree Declination (J2000)
xr_flag int X-ray counterpart flag:
value = 1 if detected source is an X-ray Counterpart (Cardamone et al. 2008)
X-ray counterparts included an additional QSO template when finding redshift solutions and rest-frame colors in EAzY
z_spec double Best Spectroscopic Redshift:
see README for source and quality flags
z_src int Catalog from which z_spec is taken:
see README for source and quality flags
z_qual int Quality flag from original survey:
see README for source and quality flags
z_peak double Redshift estimate from EAzY
z_l68 double 68% confidence lower limit EAzY
z_u68 double 68% confidence upper limit EAzY
chizphot double Chi-squared value of EAzY best fit template combination
q_z double Quality flag from EAzY
starflag int Stellar template flag:
0 = galaxy
1 = star
V_rf double AB mag Rest-frame V-band flux from EAzY
U_rf double AB mag Rest-frame U-V color from EAzY
VJ_rf double AB mag Rest-frame V-J color from EAzY