Data Access
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute - PTI & KI (NExScI_PTI_KI) Data Access
NExScI_PTI_KI Overview NExScI_PTI_KI Public Data Access
You can get a close-up map of a region by selecting a point in red [PTI data] or yellow [KI data] on the above image, or by typing a coordinate below.
Target Selection Single Object
(Name or Coords)
Table Upload
(Multi Object) Instructions
Source Search Radius:
[maximum 6.25 deg]
Coordinate Examples:
  • 154.9011250 19.8699722 eq
  • 10h 19m 36.27s +19d 52m 11.9s Equ J2000
  • 216.45613 +54.58002 ga
  • GLC388
Default: Equatorial J2000
NExScI has made available a database of observations from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI), covering 1350 nights and 1349 targets, and observations from the Keck Interferometer (KI) visibility mode data, containing 247 science targets on 48 nights. The metadata (updated October 2007) describing these data sets can be accessed above using spatial search queries on the service provided by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA), where NExScI_PTI_KI is what this data set is referred to as.
Click here for more information and instructions on using Atlas Instructions
Also available is a Program Interface to Atlas.