Data Access
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute - PTI & KI (NExScI_PTI_KI) Overview
NExScI_PTI_KI Overview NExScI_PTI_KI Public Data Access


The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) is the science operations and analysis center for NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program. NExScI has made available a database of observations from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI), covering 1350 nights and 1349 targets, and observations from the Keck Interferometer (KI) visibility mode data, containing 247 science targets on 48 nights. The complete set of metadata (updated October 2007) is referred to as NExScI_PTI_KI and can be accessed at different websites for PTI and KI databases.

If you use NExSci_PTI_KI data, please cite the journal articles van Belle et al. (2008) for PTI data and Colavita et al. (2013) for KI data.

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Data Set Characteristics

Data ProductDescriptionData Access
Images NExSci/PTI, KI

NExScI_PTI_KI Documentation

Documentation & References
NExScI PTI Support Page
NExScI KI Support Page
NExScI Logo