This tar file contains the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalog (ERCSC)
and related Data Products, prepared on January 12, 2011, downloaded from 

Please see the Explanatory Supplement for Planck papers to cite if you use these
products in your research.

If you use IRSA in your research, please include the following 
acknowledgement in your paper:

    "This research has made use of the NASA/ IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which is 
operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under 
contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."

For help, please contact the IRSA help desk: 

Content of the tar file:
Five directories: catalogs, cutouts,  notes, skymaps, documents

ERCSC Delivery Contents

File Name                       Description

documents/                      Documentation DIRECTORY:  

explanatory_supplement.pdf      Full description of the release

catalogs/                      Source Lists DIRECTORY:   

ERCSC_f030.fits                30 GHz PwS-based list 
ERCSC_f044.fits                44 GHz PwS-based list 
ERCSC_f070.fits                70 GHz PwS-based list 
ERCSC_f100.fits                100 GHz PwS-based list 
ERCSC_f143.fits                143 GHz PwS-based list
ERCSC_f217.fits                217 GHz SExtractor-based list 
ERCSC_f353.fits                353 GHz SExtractor-based list 
ERCSC_f545.fits                545 GHz SExtractor-based list 
ERCSC_f857.fits                857 GHz SExtractor-based list
                               (includes 217, 353, 545 GHz aperture photometry
                                at the location of 857 GHz sources)
ECC.fits                       Cold Cores list 
ESZ.fits                       SZ Cluster list 

skymaps/                       Images of Sky Distribution DIRECTORY:  


cutouts/                      Collated Source Postage Stamps DIRECTORY:     

ERCSC_f030_cutouts.pdf        CMB subtracted postage stamps of sources 
ECC_cutouts.pdf               ECC postage stamps from maps at 353, 545, 857 GHz
ERCSC_f030_psf_cutouts.pdf    postage stamps of Planck PSF at location of source 

notes/                       Notes on Individual Sources DIRECTORY:   
