The current version of the Planck ERCSC is v1.3 which was released 4 Jan 2012.
When compared to the original v1.2 release of the ERCSC in Jan 2011, changes 
were made to certain columns in the nine single frequency catalog files and to 
the explanatory supplement as summarized below.
The convention for GAU THETA and BEAM THETA was incorrect in the catalogs from 
11 Jan 2011. For GAU THETA, the reference angle corresponding to 0 degrees was 
offset from North by 90. For BEAM THETA, the reference angle was correct (i.e. 
0 degrees was in the direction North), but the values were given a range of -90
to +90 instead of 0 to 180. In addition, the DATESOBS and NUMOBS fields did not
include the dates corresponding to the Planck First Light Survey. The DATESOBS 
field was also found to be incorrect by larger than a day in many cases since it
was derived from planned pointing files instead of actual pointing files. These
four catalog quantities have been updated in the revised v1.3 catalogs. The 
color corrections for the LFI flux densities were described in the earlier 
version of the explanatory supplement as multiplicative while they were in fact,
divisive. The numbers appropriate for multiplicative corrections have been 
added. There is no change made to the positions/numbers of sources or their flux
densities in the single frequency catalogs compared to the v1.2 catalogs. There
is no change to the ECC.fits and ESZ.fits files.