Planck Catalogs of SZ Clusters

About the Planck SZ Catalogs

These catalogs contain a list of galaxy clusters detected through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZ) and consist of candidate sources that were detected using multifrequency algorithms that use the distinct spectral signature of such clusters. This version of the SZ catalogs, a component of Planck Data Release 1, is derived from the data acquired by Planck between August 13 2009 and November 26 2010.

Three pipelines are used to detect SZ clusters: two independent implementations of the Matched Multi-Filter (MMF1 and MMF3), and PowellSnakes (PwS). The main catalog is the union of the catalogs from the three detection methods. The individual catalogs are provided for the expert user in order to assess the consistency of the pipelines. The union catalogue contains the coordinates and the signal-to-noise ratio of the detections and a summary of the external validation information, including external identification of a cluster and its redshift if it is available.

Name Intype Units Description
XINDEX int None Index from union catalog
NAME char None Source name
GLON double degrees Galactic longitude
GLAT double degrees Galactic latitude
RA double degrees Right ascension (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
DEC double degrees Declination (J2000) transformed from (GLON,GLAT)
POS_ERR double arcmin Position uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
SNR double None Signal-to-noise ratio of the detection
SNR_COMPAT double None SNR of the detection in compatibility mode
TS_MIN double arcmin Minimum value of theta_s in grid in second extension HDU
TS_MAX double arcmin Maximum value of theta_s in grid in second extension HDU
Y_MIN double arcmin^2 Minimum value of Y in grid in second extension HDU
Y_MAX double arcmin^2 Maximum value of Y in grid in second extension HDU