Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps Definitions


The Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC) is an observational catalogue consisting exclusively of Galactic cold sources. The three highest Planck bands (857, 545, 353 GHz) have been combined with IRAS data at 3 THz to perform a multi-frequency detection of sources colder than their local environment. After rejection of possible extragalactic contaminants, the PGCC catalogue contains 13188 Galactic sources spread across the whole sky, i.e., from the Galactic plane to high latitudes, following the spatial distribution of the main molecular cloud complexes. The median temperature of PGCC sources lies between 13 and 14.5 K, depending on the quality of the flux density measurements, with a temperature ranging from 5.8 to 20 K after removing sources with the 1% largest temperature estimates. Using seven independent methods, reliable distance estimates have been obtained for 5574 sources, which allows the derivation of physical properties such as their mass, physical size, mean density and luminosity.

Name Intype Units Description
NAME char Source Name
GLON double deg Galactic longitude based on morphology fitting
GLAT double deg Galactic latitude based on morphology fitting
ra double deg Right ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
SNR double Maximum S/N over the 857, 545, and 353 GHz Planck cold residual maps
SNR_857 double S/N of the cold residual detection at 857 GHz
SNR_545 double S/N of the cold residual detection at 545 GHz
SNR_353 double S/N of the cold residual detection at 353 GHz
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS double arcmin FWHM along the major axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MAJOR_AXIS_SIG double arcmin Uncertainty on the FWHM along the major axis
GAU_MINOR_AXIS double arcmin FWHM along the minor axis of the elliptical Gaussian
GAU_MINOR_AXIS_SIG double arcmin Uncertainty on the FWHM along the minor axis
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE double rd Position angle of the elliptical gaussian
GAU_POSITION_ANGLE_SIG double rd Uncertainty on the position angle
FLUX_3000_CLUMP double Jy Flux density of the clump at 3 THz
FLUX_3000_CLUMP_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 3 THz
FLUX_857_CLUMP double Jy Flux density of the clump at 857 GHz
FLUX_857_CLUMP_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 857 GHz
FLUX_545_CLUMP double Jy Flux density of the clump at 545 GHz
FLUX_545_CLUMP_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 545 GHz
FLUX_353_CLUMP double Jy Flux density of the clump at 353 GHz
FLUX_353_CLUMP_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the clump at 353 GHz
FLUX_3000_WBKG double Jy Flux density of the warm background at 3 THz
FLUX_3000_WBKG_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of warm background at 3 THz
FLUX_857_WBKG double Jy Flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz
FLUX_857_WBKG_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 857 GHz
FLUX_545_WBKG double Jy Flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz
FLUX_545_WBKG_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 545 GHz
FLUX_353_WBKG double Jy Flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz
FLUX_353_WBKG_SIG double Jy Uncertainty on the flux density of the warm background at 353 GHz
FLUX_QUALITY int Category of flux density reliability
FLUX_BLENDING int Blending flag
FLUX_BLENDING_IDX int Catalogue index of the closest source responsible for blending
FLUX_BLENDING_ANG_DIST double arcmin Angular distance to the closest source responsible for blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_3000 double Relative bias of the flux density at 3000 GHz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_857 double Relative bias of the flux density at 857 GHz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_545 double Relative bias of the flux density at 545 GHz due to blending
FLUX_BLENDING_BIAS_353 double Relative bias of the flux density at 353 GHz due to blending
TEMP_CLUMP double K Temperature of the clump with β as a free parameter
TEMP_CLUMP_SIG double K 1σ uncertainty on the clump temperature with β free
TEMP_CLUMP_LOW1 double K Lower 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β free
TEMP_CLUMP_UP1 double K Upper 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β free
BETA_CLUMP double Spectral index β of the clump
BETA_CLUMP_SIG double 1σ uncertainty (from MCMC) on the emissivity spectral index β
BETA_CLUMP_LOW1 double Lower 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the c
BETA_CLUMP_UP1 double Upper 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the c
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP double K Temperature of the clump with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_SIG double K 1σ uncertainty on the temperature of the clump with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_LOW1 double K Lower 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_CLUMP_UP1 double K Upper 68% confidence limit of the clump temperature with β = 2
TEMP_WBKG double K Temperature of the warm background with β as a free parameter
TEMP_WBKG_SIG double K 1σ dispersion of the warm background temperature with β free
TEMP_WBKG_LOW1 double K Lower 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β f
TEMP_WBKG_UP1 double K Upper 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β f
BETA_WBKG double Spectral index β of the warm background
BETA_WBKG_SIG double 1σ uncertainty (from MCMC) of the emissivity spectral index β
BETA_WBKG_LOW1 double Lower 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the w
BETA_WBKG_UP1 double Upper 68% confidence limit of the emissivity spectral index β of the w
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG double K Temperature of the warm background with β = 2
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_SIG double K 1σ uncertainty on the temperature of the warm background with &#94
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_LOW1 double K Lower 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β =
TEMP_BETA2_WBKG_UP1 double K Upper 68% confidence limit of the warm background temperature with β =
DIST_KINEMATIC double kpc Distance estimate [1] using kinematics
DIST_KINEMATIC_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [1] using kinematics
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR7 double kpc Distance estimate [2] using optical extinction on SDSS DR7
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR7_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [2] using optical extinction on SDSS DR7
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR9 double kpc Distance estimate [3] using optical extinction on SDSS DR9
DIST_OPT_EXT_DR9_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [3] using optical extinction on SDSS DR9
DIST_NIR_EXT_IRDC double kpc Distance estimate [4] using near-infrared extinction towards IRDCs
DIST_NIR_EXT_IRDC_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [4] using near-infrared extinction towards
DIST_NIR_EXT double kpc Distance estimate [5] using near-infrared extinction
DIST_NIR_EXT_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [5] using near-infrared extinction
DIST_MOLECULAR_COMPLEX double kpc Distance estimate [6] using molecular complex association
DIST_MOLECULAR_COMPLEX_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [6] using molecular complex association
DIST_HKP_GCC double kpc Distance estimate [7] from the Herschel Key-Programme Galactic Cold Cores
DIST_HKP_GCC_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the distance estimate [7] from the Herschel Key-Programme Galact
DIST_OPTION int Option of the best distance estimate used in other physical properties
DIST_QUALITY int Quality Flag of the consistency between distance estimates
DISTANCE double kpc Best distance estimate used for further physical properties
DIST_SIG double kpc Uncertainty on the best distance estimate
MASS double M_sun Mass estimate of the clump
MASS_SIG double M_sun Uncertainty on the mass estimate of the clump
MASS_LOW1 double M_sun Lower 68% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_LOW2 double M_sun Lower 95% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_LOW3 double M_sun Lower 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_UP1 double M_sun Upper 68% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_UP2 double M_sun Upper 95% confidence limit of the mass estimate
MASS_UP3 double M_sun Upper 99% confidence limit of the mass estimate
SIZE_CLUMP double pc Physical size of the clump
SIZE_SIG double pc Uncertainty on the physical size estimate of the clump
SIZE_LOW1 double pc Lower 68% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_LOW2 double pc Lower 95% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_LOW3 double pc Lower 99% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_UP1 double pc Upper 68% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_UP2 double pc Upper 95% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
SIZE_UP3 double pc Upper 99% confidence limit of the physical size estimate
DENSITY double cm^-3 Mean density of the clump
DENSITY_SIG double cm^-3 Uncertainty on the mean density estimate of the clump
DENSITY_LOW1 double cm^-3 Lower 68% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_LOW2 double cm^-3 Lower 95% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_LOW3 double cm^-3 Lower 99% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_UP1 double cm^-3 Upper 68% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_UP2 double cm^-3 Upper 95% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
DENSITY_UP3 double cm^-3 Upper 99% confidence limit of the mean density estimate
LUMINOSITY double L_sun Luminosity of the clump
LUMINOSITY_SIG double L_sun Uncertainty on the luminosity estimate of the clump
LUMINOSITY_LOW1 double L_sun Lower 68% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_LOW2 double L_sun Lower 95% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_LOW3 double L_sun Lower 99% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_UP1 double L_sun Upper 68% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_UP2 double L_sun Upper 95% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
LUMINOSITY_UP3 double L_sun Upper 99% confidence limit of the luminosity estimate
NH2 double cm^-2 Column density N_H2 of the clump
NH2_SIG double cm^-2 Uncertainty on the column density
NH2_LOW1 double cm^-2 Lower 68% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_LOW2 double cm^-2 Lower 95% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_LOW3 double cm^-2 Lower 99% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_UP1 double cm^-2 Upper 68% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_UP2 double cm^-2 Upper 95% confidence limit of the column density
NH2_UP3 double cm^-2 Upper 99% confidence limit of the column density
NEARBY_HOT_SOURCE double arcmin Distance to the closest hot source
XFLAG_LMC int LMC membership flag
XFLAG_SMC int SMC membership flag
XFLAG_ECC int ECC flag
XFLAG_PCCS_857 int PCCS 857 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_545 int PCCS 545 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_353 int PCCS 353 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_217 int PCCS 217 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_143 int PCCS 143 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_100 int PCCS 100 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_70 int PCCS 70 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_44 int PCCS 44 GHz flag
XFLAG_PCCS_30 int PCCS 30 GHz flag
XFLAG_HKP_GCC int Herschel HKP-GCC flag