Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 1 (PR1) Mission Science Maps

Note: These maps are PR1 (2013 release) products. For PR2 (2015 release) products, see the PR2 maps page.

The Planck All Sky Maps are made available as HEALPix (Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization) files, which are implemented in FITS binary table format. For more information and software tools for analysis and display of HEALPix maps, please see http://healpix.sourceforge.net/.

Frequency maps

Full channel maps are built using all the valid detectors of a frequency channel and cover the full mission (or the nominal mission for the 1st release). For HFI, the 143-8 and 545-3 bolometers are rejected entirely as they are seriously affected by RTS noise.

Single survey maps are built using all valid detectors of a frequency channel, but cover separately the different sky surveys. The single sky surveys are defined in terms of the direction of the satellite's spin axis: the first survey covers from the beginning of the science observations (the First Light Survey) to the time when the spin axis has rotated by 180 degrees (to the nearest pointing period), the following one covers from 180 to 360, and so on. Survey 1 dates span 20090813 to 20100213 while Survey 2 dates span 20100214 to 20100813 inclusive. The nominal mission spans 20090813 to 20101127 and is thus longer than the sum of survey 1 and 2.

Half-ring maps are built using only the first or the second half of the stable pointing period data. There are thus two half-ring maps per frequency channel named ringhalf_1 and ringhalf_2 respectively. These maps are built for characterization purposes in order to perform null tests.

Planck Map Products
Frequency 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
NSIDE 1024 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048
Full Channel Maps (Nominal Mission)
Nominal 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Single Survey Maps
Survey1 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey2 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Half-Ring Maps (Nominal Mission)
Ringhalf1 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Ringhalf2 30 44 70 70 100 143 217 353 545 857

Component maps

CMB map SMICA NILC SEVEM COMMRUL NSIDE=256 COMMRUL NSIDE=2048 CMB estimate and residuals at each frequency, in a single file, for five different techniques - the SEVEM (version R1.12) and COMMRUL maps are new for December 2013
Lensing Lensing map
Low Frequency Component NSIDE=256
Low Frequency Component NSIDE=2048
Map of low frequency foregrounds
Thermal Dust Component NSIDE=256
Thermal Dust Component NSIDE=2048
Map of dust emission
CO correction maps (Type 1) J = 1→0, 2→1, and 3→2 maps (in a single file) using a single channel detection method
CO line maps (Type 2) J = 1→0 and J = 2→1 maps (in a single file) using a multifrequency/band detection method
CO discovery maps (Type 3) CO emission locations based on CO line-ratio priors and a multifrequency separation method
Dust Opacity Maps R1.20
Dust Opacity Maps R1.10 [Deprecated]
Maps of dust emission - the version R1.20 maps are new for December 2013

HFI Maps with Zodiacal Light Subtracted

SurveyFrequency [GHz]
Nominal 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 1 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 2 100 143 217 353 545 857