====> file COM_PowerSpect_CMB_R1.10.fits (main) <==== SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Tue Mar 12 15:05:52 2013 BITPIX = 8 /Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS NAXIS = 0 /No data is associated with this header EXTEND = T /Extensions may (will!) be present CHECKSUM= 'KAgNM5eNKAeNK5eN' / HDU checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 END ====> xtension 1 XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: Tue Mar 12 15:05:52 2013 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 14 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 48 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT EXTVER = 1 /Extension version DATE = '2013-03-12' /Creation date COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'ELL ' / ell of multipole TTYPE2 = 'D_ELL ' / D(ell) = ell(ell+1)C_l / 2pi TTYPE3 = 'ERRUP ' / upper error on D(ell) TTYPE4 = 'ERRDOWN ' / lower error onD(ell) COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'I ' / TFORM2 = 'E ' / TFORM3 = 'E ' / TFORM4 = 'E ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column units *** COMMENT TUNIT1 = 'none ' / TUNIT2 = 'muKcmb^2' /uK_CMB^2 TUNIT3 = 'muKcmb^2' /uK_CMB^2 TUNIT4 = 'muKcmb^2' /uK_CMB^2 COMMENT COMMENT *** Planck params *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'LOW-ELL ' / low-ell CMB spectrum, unbinned L_MIN = 2 / lowest ell L_MAX = 49 / highest ell FILENAME= 'COM_PowerSpect_CMB_R1.10.fits' / FITS filename PROCVER = 'DX9_Delta' / Product version COMMENT COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT Low-ell, unbinned CMB power sepctrum COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT ML-points and errorbars for the marginalized best-fit spectrum, COMMENT based on Commander samples computed from the Planck maps. All units are COMMENT muK^2 and the data points are given as D_ell = ell(ell+1)C_l / 2pi. COMMENT The error bars are relative to the maximum likelihood (ML) values, COMMENT and are 1-sigma errorbars. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATASUM = '4197337498' / data unit checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 CHECKSUM= 'lV8IoS8IlS8IlS8I' / HDU checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 END ====> xtension 2 XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Written by IDL: Tue Mar 12 15:05:52 2013 BITPIX = 8 / NAXIS = 2 /Binary table NAXIS1 = 14 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 74 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Random parameter count GCOUNT = 1 /Group count TFIELDS = 5 /Number of columns COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT EXTVER = 1 /Extension version DATE = '2013-03-12' /Creation date COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'ELL ' / mean ell of band TTYPE2 = 'LMIN ' / lowest ell of band TTYPE3 = 'LMAX ' / highest ell of band TTYPE4 = 'D_ELL ' / D(ell) = ell(ell+1)C_l / 2pi TTYPE5 = 'ERR ' / err on D(l) COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'I ' / TFORM2 = 'I ' / TFORM3 = 'I ' / TFORM4 = 'E ' / TFORM5 = 'E ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column units *** COMMENT TUNIT4 = 'muKcmb^2' /uK_CMB^2 TUNIT5 = 'muKcmb^2' /uK_CMB^2 COMMENT COMMENT *** Planck params *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'HIGH-ELL' / Masked high-ell CMB power spectrum L_MIN = 47 / lowest lmean L_MAX = 2419 / highest lmean FILENAME= 'COM_PowerSpect_CMB_R1.10.fits' / FITS filename PROCVER = 'DX9_Delta' / Product version COMMENT COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT Binned CMB Power Sepctrum from CAMSPEC COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT This table lists the band averaged value of D_ell in (muk)**2 COMMENT for the best fit primordial CMB spectrum estimated from the COMMENT Planck+WP+highL likelihood. COMMENT The band averages are uniformly weighted over the multipole range lmin COMMENT to lmax. lmean gives the mean multipole for the band. Delta<D_ell> gives COMMENT the 1 sigma error in (muK)**2 on the band average estimate <D_ell> COMMENT Errors and covariance matrices include errors in the unresolved componen COMMENT and are marginalized over beams errorsincluding a simplified model for COMMENT errors in the unresolved component. COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATASUM = '115145747' / data unit checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 CHECKSUM= 'H7nUJ4mTH4mTH4mT' / HDU checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 END ====> xtension 3 XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension BITPIX = -32 / Number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of data axes NAXIS1 = 74 / NAXIS2 = 74 / PCOUNT = 0 / No Group Parameters GCOUNT = 1 / One Data Group TUNIT1 = 'muK_cmb^4' / uK_cmb^4 COMMENT COMMENT *** Planck params *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'COV-MAT ' / Covariance matrix for high-ell spectrum FILENAME= 'COM_PowerSpect_CMB_R1.10.fits' / FITS filename PROCVER = 'DX9_Delta' / Product version COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENT The full covariance matrix for the (high ell) band averages, in COMMENT extension HIGH-ELL; units are muK**4 COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATASUM = '3641212833' / data unit checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 CHECKSUM= 'ofXGreV9oeVEoeV9' / HDU checksum created 2013-03-12T14:05:53 END