Data Access

External Data

This page contains links to all-sky maps of foreground emission and to the WMAP 9 year products. In the frequency range covered by Planck (30-857 GHz), Galactic and extra-galactic sources contribute to the observed signal via several mechanisms, most notably free-free (thermal bremsstrahlung) emission, synchrotron radiation, and thermal emission from cold sources. In many regions of the sky signal from foreground sources can dominate over that of the CMB.

These maps show the distribution of structures primarily associated with the Interstellar Medium in our Milky Way Galaxy as viewed in a number of surveys, including those of Balmer line emission of ionized hydrogen, 21 cm emission from neutral hydrogen, CO tracer of dense molecular gas, and the thermal signature of the cold dust that is the significant feature at submillimeter wavelengths.

We acknowledge the use of the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA), part of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Center (HEASARC). HEASARC/LAMBDA is a service of the Astrophysics Science Division at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

All-sky maps processed into HEALPix format by Planck Working Group 7 (Galactic and Solar System Science)
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 1.25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 2.2 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 3.5 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 4.9 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 12 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 60 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 100 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 140 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument.
Map band: 240 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 1.25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 2.2 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 3.5 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 4.9 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 12 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 60 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 100 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 140 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
COBE DIRBE instrument, Zodi-Subtracted Mission Average Maps.
Map band: 240 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Boggess, N.W. et al. 1992 ApJ 397 420
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps. These are zodi-subtracted.
Map band: 12 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.-A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps. These are zodi-subtracted.
Map band: 25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.-A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps. These are zodi-subtracted.
Map band: 60 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.-A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps. These are zodi-subtracted.
Map band: 100 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.-A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps, IRAS coverage gaps filled using DIRBE data.
Map band: 12 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps, IRAS coverage gaps filled using DIRBE data.
Map band: 25 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps, IRAS coverage gaps filled using DIRBE data.
Map band: 60 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
IRIS Reprocessing of IRAS Maps, IRAS coverage gaps filled using DIRBE data.
Map band: 100 microns
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Milville-Deschênes, M.A. and Lagache, G. 2005 ApJS 157 302
FIR-derived maps of Galactic interstellar reddening.
Map band: E(B-V)
Map units: Magnitudes
Schlegel, D.J., Finkbeiner, D.P. and Davis, M. 1998 ApJ 500 525
Midcourse Space Experiment Survey.
Map band: [Band A] 8.28 microns
Map units: Intensity in W m-2 sr-1
Price, S.D. et al. 2001 AJ 121 2819
Leiden-Dwingeloo survey, -7 < DEC < +85.
Map band: 820 MHz
Map units: TB (K)
Berkhuijsen, E.M. 1972 A&A Suppl Series 5 263
Canadian Galactic Plane Survey, Dominion Radio Astronomy Observatory, 74.2 < l < 147.3 and -3.6 < b < 5.6.
Map band: 408 MHz
Map units: Intensity in MJy sr-1
Taylor, A.R. et al. 2003 AJ 125 3145

LAMBDA Products

The following products are available directly from the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA), part of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Center (HEASARC). HEASARC/LAMBDA is a service of the Astrophysics Science Division at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Dame CO(1-0) survey.
Map band: 115 GHz
Map units: Velocity integrated main beam TB, W(CO), K km s-1.
Dame, T.M., Hartmann, D. & Thaddeus, P. 2001 ApJ 547 792
Product Description and Download Page
WHAM: The Wisconsin H-alpha Mapper, VTSS: The Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey, SHASSA: The Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas.
Map band: H alpha (6563 A)
Map units: Rayleighs [1010 photons per m2 per column per sec]
Finkbeiner, D.P. 2003 ApJS 146 407
Product Description and Download Page
408 MHz continuum survey, Jodrell Bank MkI, Bonn 100 meter, Parkes 64 meter, Jordell Bank MkIa telescopes.
Map band: 408 MHz
Map units: TB (K)
Haslam, C.G.T. et al. 1982 A&A Suppl Series 47 1
Product Description and Download Page
Neutral hydrogen column density from the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI survey and composite NHI map of Dickey and Lockman.
Map band: 21 cm [1420 MHz]
Map units: NHI column density atoms cm-2
Hartmann, D. and Burton, W.B. 1997, Atlas of Galactic Neutral Hydrogen [book]; Dickey, J.M. and Lockman, F.J. 1990 ARA&A 28 215
Product Description and Download Page
Neutral hydrogen (21 cm) emission from the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI survey and the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia survey.
Map band: 21 cm [1420 MHz]
Map units: K
Kalbera, P.M.W. et al. 2005 A&A 440 775
Product Description and Download Page
WMAP Nine Year Coadded Temperature (Resolution Parameter 9) Sky Maps.
Map band: K [23 GHz], Ka [33 GHz], Q [41 GHz], V [61 GHz], W [94 GHz]
Map units: mK_CMB
Bennett, C.L. et al. 2012 arXiv:1212.5255 (ApJSS submitted)
Product Description and Download Page