Data Access

Software for Analysis of Planck Public Data Release 1 Data

Here are a set of software tools and data sets that will facilitate use of the Planck Data Release 1 products. These tools address work with the all-sky HEALPix-formatted maps and with the source catalogs. All-sky map functions include generation of local tangent plane projection for ingest into tools such as ds9, general aperture photometry directly on the all-sky maps, and convolution of user HEALPix maps with the Planck effective beams. Source spectral energy distribution dependent color-correction calculations and map unit conversions are provided to supplement the analysis of the source catalogs and photometry.

More information and software tools for analysis and display of HEALPix maps can be found at http://healpix.sourceforge.net/.

The likelihood code [see under Other Tools] is a C library containing codes to compute different approximations to the Planck likelihood, which the user can use to test a cosmological model of their choice. Wrappers are provided so that the functions can also be called from Python and F90.

Click on the link in the first column to download a gzipped tarball (including documentation) of the program or data.

For questions or assistance with a particular product, please contact the IRSA Help Desk.

HEALPix Map Tools
Healpix2tan C++ version by Tim Brooke and Walter Landry, based on original IDL version from J.-P. Bernard Software for tangent plane projections of HEALPix maps
Multi-epoch Photometry: IDL or C++ Version IDL version from C. Dickinson, X. Chen; C++ version from P. McGehee Software for aperture photometry at a particular location on the single survey HEALPix maps
EffConv F90 version from S. Mitra et al. 2011 Software that convolves all-sky HEALPix maps with the spatially varying Planck effective beam. Updated 27 August 2013.
Effective Beams S. Mitra et al. 2011 Unformatted Planck effective beams by sky position and frequency for use with EffConv
Source Catalog Tools
Color Correction and Unit Conversions IDL version, Planck Collaboration 2013 Software that calculates stated parameters for the Planck bandpasses
Other Tools
Likelihoods -
C library with Python and F90 wrappers, Planck Collaboration 2013 Software for estimating likelihoods. Version 6. Added ACTSPT dataset on 27 August 2013.