Planck Public Data Release 2 Mission Ancillary Data

This page contains cosmological parameters, likelihoods, power spectra, noise covariance matrices, polarization leakage corrections maps, beams, instrument models, mask files, planet intensities and dates on which positions on the sky were observed. In addition, a listing of all PR2 data products is provided. Planck mission products and the observation date files are described in the resources listed on the Planck documentation page.

A description of the HEALPix map format and a suite of software tools are available at the HEALPix site,

Cosmology Data

Data setNotes
Cosmological Parameters Mean cosmological parameters with confidence intervals from Planck
Power Spectrum CMB power spectra and previews from Planck
Best fit model power spectra TT, TE, EE and BB power spectra
Cosmological Parameters: Full Grid Zip file with full-grid of likelihoods for cosmological parameters (3.7GB)
CosmoParams_base-lensonly_R2.00 LCDM Parameters from Planck lensing reconstruction only (14MB)
CosmoParams_base-plikHM_R2.00 LCDM parameters from temperature and polarization (PLIK cross Half-mission; 30 ≤ l ≤ 2500), with various combinations of low-L data (417MB)
CosmoParams_base-plikHM-TT_lowTEB_R2.00 LCDM parameters using the baseline likelihoods (PLIK cross Half-mission temperature; 30 ≤ l ≤ 2500; and low-L (2 ≤ l ≤ 29) temperature and LFI polarization) (47MB)
COM_CosmoParams_base_r_plikHM_BKP_R2.00 LCDM parameters using the BICEP2/Keck/Planck constraints on the scalar-tensor ratio in addition to the baseline likelihoods (180MB)
Noise Covariance Matrices: 030 044 070 NSIDE=16 tarfiles, 1 per frequency. File sizes are LFI: 2.5GB.
Simulations of CMB Maps ( External link to NERSC ) CMB simulation data available from NERSC

Product Lists

The data products supplied in PR2 are listed in two sets, the first for those derived from LFI data only, and the second for those either based on HFI data or the combination of LFI and HFI data. The Time Ordered Information files are available from the TOI page.

Product typeFormatLFIHFI
All Sky MapsHEALPix maps ✔ ✔
Cold Cores CatalogFITS binary table ✔
Component Separated MapsHEALPix maps ✔
Correction MapsHEALPix maps ✔ ✔
Dates of Observation MapsHEALPix maps ✔ ✔
Noise Covariance MatricesHEALPix maps ✔
Scanning BeamsText files and FITS binary tables ✔ ✔
Source CatalogsFITS binary tables ✔ ✔
Source MasksHEALPix maps ✔ ✔
SZ Cluster CatalogsFITS binary tables ✔

Planck Instrument Models

Reduced Instrument Model (RIMO): LFI; HFI Includes effective frequencies and throughputs
HFI_RIMO_Beams-075pc_R2.00 ; HFI_RIMO_Beams-100pc_R2.00 HFI Beam Window Functions

Correction Maps

Data setNotes
LFI File List LFI Download Correction maps in HEALPix format for the LFI Frequencies. Need to be applied to frequency maps.
HFI File List HFI Download Correction has already been applied to frequency maps. Corrections maps are in matrix below.
Planck HFI Leakage Correction Maps
Frequency (GHz) 100 143 217 353
Full mission maps
Full-Detset1 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Full-Detset2 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Full 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Single-year maps
Year 1-Detset1 100 143 217 353
Year 1-Detset2 100 143 217 353
Year 1 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Year 2-Detset1 100 143 217 353
Year 2-Detset2 100 143 217 353
Year 2 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Half-mission maps
First Half-Detset1 100 143 217 353
First Half-Detset2 100 143 217 353
First half 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global
Second Half-Detset1 100 143 217 353
Second Half-Detset2 100 143 217 353
Second half 100 143 217 353-Dust 353-Global

Foreground Masks

Data setNotes
HFI_Mask _GalPlane-apo0_2048_R2.00 Galactic emission masks, based on 353 GHz emission after CMB subtraction, and for various fractions of sky coverage with no apodization.
HFI_Mask _GalPlane-apo2_2048_R2.00 Galactic emission masks, based on 353 GHz emission after CMB subtraction, and for various fractions of sky coverage with 2 degree apodization.
HFI_Mask _GalPlane-apo5_2048_R2.00 Galactic emission masks, based on 353 GHz emission after CMB subtraction, and for various fractions of sky coverage with 5 degree apodization.
HFI_Mask_PointSrc_ 2048_R2.00 HFI Intensity point source masks: threshold is 5 SNR; and polarization point source masks: threshold is 99.97% detection significance, cut radius = 1.27 FWHM
LFI_Mask_PointSrc_ 2048_R2.00 LFI Foreground Source Mask HEALPix Format, Six planes for intensity and polarized intensity per LFI frequency
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Pmask-IQU-commander_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by Commander for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Pmask-IQU-nilc_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by NILC for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Pmask-IQU-sevem_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by SEVEM for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Pmask-IQU-smica_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by SMICA for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-commander_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by Commander for temperature component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-commander-field-Int_2048_R2.01_full Mask used by Commander for temperature component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-nilc_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by NILC for temperature component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-nilc-field-Int_2048_R2.01_full Mask used by NILC for temperature component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-sevem_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by SEVEM for temperature component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-sevem-field-Int_2048_R2.01_full Mask used by SEVEM for temperature component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-smica_1024_R2.02_full Mask used by SMICA for temperature component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-confidence-Tmask-IQU-smica-field-Int_2048_R2.01_full Mask used by SMICA for temperature component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-IQU-common-field-MaskInt_2048_R2.00 Common foregrounds masks for temperature (145M)
COM_Mask_CMB-IQU-common-field-MaskInt_2048_R2.01 Common foregrounds masks for temperature (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-IQU-common-field-MasPol_1024_R2.00 Common foregrounds masks for polarization (37M)
COM_Mask_CMB-IQU-common-field-MasPol_1024_R2.01 Common foregrounds masks for polarization (61M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-commander-dx11d2-pol-fullres_1024_R2.02 Commander polarized foreground mask (289M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-commander-dx11d2-temp-fullres_2048_R2.03 Commander temperature foreground mask (385M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-commander-dx11d2-temp-lmax1000_2048_R2.03 Commander temperature foreground mask (385M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-commander-dx11d2-temp-lmax200_0256_R2.03 Commander temperature foreground mask (6.1M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-nilc-dx11-preproc_1024_R2.00 NILC foreground mask (97M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-nilc-dx11-preproc_2048_R2.00 NILC foreground mask (385M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrcGalplane-smica-harmonic-mask_2048_R2.00 SMICA foreground mask (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-dx11d-100-pol-99.97pc-radius-3sigma-10arcmin_1024_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-dx11d-143-pol-99.97pc-radius-3sigma-10arcmin_1024_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-dx11d-70-pol-varhole-full-99p90_1024_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-extended100x143-fw10_1024_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (49M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-extended143x217_2048_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-ps100-extended_2048_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-ps143-extended_2048_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_CMB-PointSrc-sevem-ps217-extended_2048_R2.00 SEVEM foreground mask for polarized component separation (193M)
COM_Mask_Compton-SZMap_2048_R2.00 Mask used to generate Y_SZ map (961M)
COM_Mask_Lensing_2048_R2.00 Mask used to generate CMB lensing map (385M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-polarization-100_2048_R2.00 Mask used for polarization likelihoods (193M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-polarization-143_2048_R2.00 Mask used for polarization likelihoods (193M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-polarization-217_2048_R2.00 Mask used for polarization likelihoods (193M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-temperature-100_2048_R2.00 Mask used for temperature likelihoods (193M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-temperature-143_2048_R2.00 Mask used for temperature likelihoods (193M)
COM_Mask_Likelihood-temperature-217_2048_R2.00 Mask used for temperature likelihoods (193M)

Planet Data

Description of planet data

Scanning and Effective Beams

Data setAcknowledgementsNotes
LFI File List LFI Download Planck 2013 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions
Scanning beams for the LFI Frequencies
HFI File List HFI Download Planck 2015 results. VII. HFI TOI and beam processing Scanning beams for the HFI Frequencies
Effective Beams S. Mitra et al. 2011. Fast Pixel Space Convolution for Cosmic Microwave Background Surveys with Asymmetric Beams and Complex Scan Strategies: FEBeCop Unformatted Planck effective beams by sky position and frequency for use with EffConv.
These are based on processing the full mission data while those for PR1 were only based on the nominal mission data.

Sky Distribution of Observation Dates (DATESOBS)

SurveyFrequency [GHz]
Survey 1: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 2: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 3: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 4: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 5: 30 44 70 100 143 217 353 545 857
Survey 6: 30 44 70
Survey 7: 30 44 70
Survey 8: 30 44 70