Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 3 Maps

Primary maps

Planck All Sky Maps are in HEALPix format, with Nside 1024 or 2048, in Galactic coordinates, and nested ordering. The signal is given in units of Kcmb for 30-353 GHz, or MJy/sr (for a constant νFν energy distribution ) for 545 and 857 GHz.

Unpolarized maps contain 3 planes, labeled I_Stokes (intensity), Hits (hit count), and II_cov (variance of I_Stokes).

Polarized maps contain 10 planes, labeled I_Stokes (intensity), Q_Stokes and U_Stokes (linear polarization), Hits (hit count), II_cov, QQ_cov, and UU_cov (variance of each of the Stokes parameters), and IQ_cov, IU_cov, and QU_cov (covariances between the Stokes parameters).

The Pink cells indicate maps with polarization data, while the Blue cells are the maps with no polarization data.

The LFI maps in this matrix have not been bandpass corrected. Bandpass corrected LFI maps are available at the bottom of the page

Download a script to download all the maps in this table. You can edit the script as needed to select the maps to download.

Planck Primary Maps
Frequency (GHz) 030 044 070 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
Nside 1024 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048
Full mission maps
Full 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
Nominal mission maps
Nominal 030 044 070
Multi-survey maps
Surveys 1-3-5-6-7-8 030 044 070
Single-survey maps
Survey 1 030 044 070
Survey 2 030 044 070
Survey 3 030 044 070
Survey 4 030 044 070
Survey 6 030 044 070
Survey 7 030 044 070
Survey 8 030 044 070
Survey 9 030 044 070
Single-year maps
Year 1 030 044 070
Year 2 030 044 070
Year 3 030 044 070
Year 4 030 044 070
Multi-year maps
Years 1+2 030 044 070
Years 3+4 030 044 070
Years 1+3 030 044 070
Years 2+4 030 044 070
Half-mission maps
First half 100 143 217 353 545 857
Second half 100 143 217 353 545 857

Planck Maps