Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 3 Effective Beam Data Files

The Planck Public Data Release 3 Effective Beam data files are provided here, for use with the EffConv tool available on the Software download page.

Downloading the products

Wget scripts are provided for downloading the products for each frequency. If your system does not have the "wget" utility available, alternatives such as "curl" can be used by editing the script accordingly.

Verifying the download

A list of MD5 checksums is provided as a way of verifying the integrity of downloaded files. Standard utilities can be found on most Unix systems to calculate MD5 checksums. Example utilities include "md5", "md5sum", and "digest -a md5". Users can use such utilities on their local systems to calculate the MD5 checksums of files after they have been downloaded, and compare those checksums to the reference checksums listed on this site, as a way of verifying that files have been downloaded intact.


For questions or assistance with a particular product, please contact the IRSA Help Desk using the link in the header above, or go to http://irsasupport.ipac.caltech.edu/.

Beam FilesSizeAccess Information
30 GHz 1.2 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
44 GHz 551 GB wget script
MD5 Checksums
70 GHz 241 GB wget script
MD5 Checksums
100 GHz 14 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
143 GHz 14 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
217 GHz 14 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
353 GHz 14 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
545 GHz 4 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums
857 GHz 4 TB wget script
MD5 Checksums