The German SOFIA Science Working Group (GSSWG) was an advisory group chartered by DLR in order to provide advice to the DLR SOFIA project management regarding SOFIA related topics. It was also a forum to discuss German SOFIA related policies, e.g., regarding the German Time allocation Committee. Members of the GSSWG were made up of one representative each of the institutes that built and operated the German astronomical SOFIA instruments and four representatives of the German scientific community, proposed by the Council of German Observatories (RDS). Representatives of DLR, DSI, and SUG are ex officio members. Disbanded as of December 31, 2022.


Friedrich Wyrowski, MPIfR Bonn
Jürgen Stutzki, University of Cologne
Henrik Beuther, MPIA, Heidelberg
Jochen Eislöffel, LSW Thuringia, Tautenburg
Sebastian Wolf, Univ. Kiel
Silvia Spezzano, MPE Garching

ex officio Members:

Heinz Hammes, DLR SOFIA Project Manager
Alfred Krabbe, DSI Director, University of Stuttgart
Thomas Keilig, DSI Manager, University of Stuttgart
Bernhard Schulz, SOFIA SMO Deputy Director, NASA Ames/University of Stuttgart
Urs Graf, SOFIA User Group member, Univ. zu Köln
Alessandra Roy, DLR
Dörte Mehlert, DSI
Maya Kaźmierczak-Barthel, University of Stuttgart
Jürgen Böker, DLR
Sebastian Colditz, DSI