Atomic Gas in Protostellar Outflows
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Thomas Sperling
Thüringer Landessternwarte
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Outflows powered by young stellar objects are an integral part of star formation. It has been speculated that the far-infrared [OI] line at 63µm plays a crucial role as a main coolant in shock-excited gas associated with outflows. The [OI] 63µm emission line traces the warm (T ~ 500-5000 K), atomic gas component of the outflow and potentially allows a clear determination of mass-loss rates. Thus, far-infrared [OI] observations provide valuable information on the importance of the atomic outflow component in the earliest stages of protostellar evolution, namely towards Class 0 and Class I outflow sources. In this context, nine protostellar outflows (Cep E, HH 1, HH 212, HH 26, HH 34, HH 111, L1551 IRS5, SVS 13, HH 30) have been mapped for the first time in both transitions of atomic oxygen at 63µm and 145µm using SOFIA/FIFI-LS. In my talk I discuss what can be learned from such extensive [OI] mappings.

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