How to Use the SOFIA Science Data Archive at IRSA
Event date
Luisa Rebull
Event Type

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The SOFIA Science Data Archive at IRSA is now the repository for all data collected by SOFIA. It currently has data from nearly all instruments (EXES, FIFI-LS, FLITECAM, FORCAST, FPI+, GREAT, HAWC+), Cycles 1 through Cycle 7; public and proprietary data (with access restrictions) are available. This talk will go through the basics of using the SOFIA Science Data Archive at IRSA to get your data, to look at what has already been observed, and to plan future observations. It will rely heavily on screen shots of the archive for explanations (as opposed to a live demo); there are also several SOFIA Science Data Archive video tutorials, available at the IRSA YouTube channel . Look for the playlist collecting all the SOFIA videos in one place .

Speaker Materials
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