Searching for Converging Flows of Atomic Gas onto a Molecular Cloud
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Mark Heyer
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I will present new observations of [C II] fine structure line emission from an isolated molecular cloud using the upGREAT instrument on board SOFIA. These data are analyzed together with archival CO J=1–0 and HI 21 cm emission spectra to investigate the role of converging atomic gas flows in the formation of molecular clouds. Upon spatial averaging of the [C II] spectra, weak [C II] emission within velocity intervals where the HI 21 cm line is brightest is identified. This component is blueshifted relative to velocities of the CO emission by 4 km/s. The brightness temperatures, velocity dispersions, and alignment with HI 21 cm velocities connect this [C II] emission component to the cold, neutral atomic gas of the interstellar medium. This CNM feature represents a possible accretion flow onto the far side of the existing molecular cloud with an infall rate of 3.2 × 10^{-4} Msun/yr. There is no direct evidence of a comparable redshifted component in the [C II] or HI 21 cm spectral lines that would indicate the presence of a converging flow.

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