SOFIA School 2023
Event date
Event Type

Understanding mid and far-IR data

April 18-21, 2023
7:30-11 am Pacific Time

This free virtual event is designed for anyone who considers using astronomical mid- and far-IR data in their scientific research. Through scientific, analysis and data reduction examples, paired with lectures on fundamental concepts, attendees will be introduced to the range of scientific information leveraged by such data, on a variety of sources. The school will focus on SOFIA data, but the content presented will be relevant to other mid-/far-IR data from balloon facilities or satellites.

POC: B-G Andersson and Lars Bonne (SOFIA/USRA)


Sarah Nickerson (BAERI/NASA)
Ed Montiel (SOFIA/USRA)
David Neufeld (JHU)
Valentin Le Gouellec (NPP/NASA)
David Chuss (Villanova)
Martin Houde (Western)
William Reach (SOFIA/USRA)
Jessica Sutter (UCSD)
Dario Fadda (SOFIA/USRA)
Gary Ferland (Kentucky)
Lars Bonne (SOFIA/USRA)
Ronan Higgins (Cologne)
Mark Wolfire (UMD)
Marc Pound (UMD)