HAWC+ is a 2nd generation instrument that will be commissioned in 2016, during Cycle 4. The brief instructions below will be expanded to include details after the observing modes have been characterized in-flight. Before preparing detailed HAWC+ observations in SSpot, please read the HAWC+ section of the Observer's Handbook .

HAWC+ observing modes are covered in three Astronomical Observation Templates (AOTs) in SSpot, "HAWC PLUS CHOP-NOD", "HAWC PLUS CHOP-SCAN", "HAWC PLUS POL-NOD", which correspond to standard imaging with two position nod-match-chop, imaging with on-the-fly mapping, and polarization with nod-match-chop, respectively.

In the main panels for each AOT, the PassBands correspond to filters with the characteristics given in Table 10-1 . The mean wavelengths are as follows:

HAW_A: 53 μm
HAW_B: 63 μm
HAW_C: 89μm
HAW_D: 154 μm
HAW_E: 214 μm

The Astronomical Observation Requests (AORs) should be created as described in the SSpot User Guide . The most critical information we require at this time are accurate target co-ordinates and the exposure times for the observations. Many of the fields in the AOTs are self-explanatory, and many general instrument-independent parameters are covered here in the FORCAST page for SSpot. Please consult with your support scientist for help with filling out the remaining fields in the AORs.

If you have any questions, please contact the SOFIA help-desk