SARP Selected Proposals
Prop. ID PI (Affiliation) Title
08_0030 Paul Goldsmith (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Probing Stellar Feedback at cloud boundaries using [OI] observations in SOFIA Data Archive
09_0511 Paul Goldsmith (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Probing the ISM baryon cycle and the transition rates between different ISM phases using machine learning
09_0512 Archana Soam (USRA) Investigation on gas kinematics and dynamics of the Carina Pillars: Origin of flows and estimation of physical properties
09_0520 Loren Anderson (West Virginia University) Expansion of HII Regions, Stellar Feedback, and the Implications for Triggered Star Formation
09_0523 Fiorella Polles (USRA) Investigating the electron density distribution in low-metallicity environment with multiple diagnostics
09_0524 Sarah Nickerson (Bay Area Environmental Research Institute) Building the Mid-Infrared Molecular Inventory in Star Forming Regions
09_0530 Jonathan Tan (University of Virginia) Massive Protostars Across the Galaxy
09_0533 Tommy Wiklind (Catholic University of America) Far-Infrared Diagnostic Emission Lines: Probing Metallicity Across Cosmic Time
09_0534 Michael Kuhn (California Institute of Technology) Why do young embedded clusters disperse? Connecting stellar dynamics to H II region expansion
09_0535 David Chuss (Villanova University) Testing the Predictions of RAT Theory in Star Forming Clouds
09_0537 Jordan Guerra (Villanova University) Statistical Study of the Magnetic Field Structure in Molecular Clouds of the Gould Belt
09_0540 H Perry Hatchfield (University of Connecticut) IGNITES: Investigating Galactic Nuclear Infrared Thermal Evolution of young Stars
10_0507 Jens Kauffmann (Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Feedback and the Gao & Solomon Relation seen through [CII] and HCN
10_0510 Glenn Orton (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Analysis of Spectroscopy and Photometry of Uranus and Neptune at 17 - 37 microns
10_0533 Laura Lenkic (USRA) Investigating Gas Heating Efficiencies at Low Metallicity in the Magellanic Clouds
10_0534 Uma Gorti (SETI Institute) Investigating warm outflows from protoplanetary disks with [OI]
10_0537 Anicia Arredondo (SOFIA) Investigating the thermal evolution of large asteroids using FORCAST calibrator targets