SOFIA's 2020 Vision: Scientific and Technological Opportunities Workshop 6-8 December 2007, at Caltech SOFIA's recent first flights highlight its proximity to operations. Science observations will begin ramping up in the next few years with the initial set of instruments. The time is now ripe to envision the scientific and technological advances that will keep SOFIA an exciting and dynamic program over its twenty-year design lifetime. This workshop will examine science needs and relevant new and emerging detector and component technologies. These new capabilities will arrive during a period of intense and rapid change of the scientific landscape: the stream of results flowing from projects such as Spitzer, Herschel, ALMA, JWST, and other facilities will greatly expand SOFIA's discovery potential. The workshop's goals are to evince the connections between the technological possibilities and the scientific opportunities, to develop a vision for extending SOFIA's productivity beyond the next decade, and to expand the awareness of SOFIA's potential.