SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals Update and Other Information Newsletter contents: A) SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals update B) Status of pending Cycle 2 observation targets in regards Cycle 3 C) SOFIA program FY 15 budget status A) SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals update As stated in the SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals (CfP) released on May 23, updated information relevant to the U.S. CfP will be released before the end of the Call period (July 18). This newsletter contains that information. Please note that there are no significant changes to the original version of the CfP. The following updates apply to the CfP and supporting documentation: 1) The section relevant to the GREAT far-IR spectrometer has been edited to clarify that the M-channel is not offered in Cycle 3. 2) Minor changes to supporting documents include updated sensitivity values for the FLITECAM near-IR camera and the GREAT far-IR spectrometer exposure time estimators. 3) An updated Observer’s Handbook has been released. The deadline for proposal submission under the U.S. CfP is July 18, 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time (06:59 UTC). The Call solicits up to 450 hours of observing time and is open to all qualified investigators from the U.S. and international institutions, with the exception of scientists with German institutional affiliations who should apply through the German proposal queue ( Observing time is offered with the EXES, FIFI-LS, FLITECAM, FORCAST, GREAT and HIPO instruments, providing imaging and spectroscopy from the visual through sub-mm wavelength ranges. Details can be found at the SOFIA web site: Contingent on budget confirmation and NASA approval, the total General Investigator funding available for Cycle 3 is expected to be approximately $1.4M. B) Status of pending Cycle 2 observation targets in regards Cycle 3 As stated in the Call for Proposals for Cycles 1 and 2, the SOFIA program does not, routinely, carry over non-executed observations between cycles. For Cycle 3 this policy will be modified to some extent, as described in Section 2.1 of the Cycle 3 CfP. If you have a selected Cycle 2 proposal that has not yet been executed, you may wish to resubmit it for Cycle 3. Most of the Cycle 2 flights have already occurred; the remaining flights are planned for December 2014 and January 2015, after the aircraft returns from its Heavy Maintenance Visit to Germany. Pending Cycle 2 observations, particularly of targets with little or no visibility in December or January, might not be performed. You may re-propose the already-selected observations for Cycle 3, or propose alternate targets to be observed in Cycle 3 if the pending observations are executed during Cycle 2. In either case, please clearly state the purpose of the new Cycle 3 proposal, status of the Cycle 2 observations, and your preferences should the pending Cycle 2 observation be performed. Please note that, while they will be instructed to consider such proposals under these rules, the Cycle 3 Time Allocation Committee (TAC) will not be obliged to award them observing time. C) SOFIA Program FY15 budget status In the White House/OMB budget proposal for NASA submitted to Congress during March 2014, SOFIA was designated to go into storage unless outside funding was identified. Since then, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed an FY15 budget that includes $70M for continued operations of SOFIA. The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee produced a budget that provides $87M for SOFIA. That bill still requires passage by the full Senate. After that, a Conference Committee from the House and Senate will reconcile differences between the two versions of the funding bill. The reconciled bill then must be signed by the President.