Data Access

There are 5 large clouds specifically targeted by c2d, each with off-cloud associated data. The off-cloud regions are near their companion cloud, and are used as calibration/comparison fields. The 5 cloud root names are: CHA_II (ChamaeleonII), LUP (Lupus), OPH (Ophiuchus), PER (Perseus) and SER (Serpens). Off-cloud regions are refered to as "OC" followed by a counter (from 1 to 8), indicating the number of associated off-cloud regions observed.

This list of cloud/off-cloud regions, along with the positions of the cloud and off-cloud centers, is given in the table below. Note some clouds are broken up into segments. Segments are indicated a number of ways following the cloud root name: a roman numeral, the string "north" (north region of the cloud), the character "W" meaning west region of the cloud, the character "E" meaning east region of the cloud, associated astronomical object name such as "L1688" and the word "ALL" indicating the entire cloud (if segments were observed). Catalogs, mosaic images, quality text files, and extinction maps for each of these clouds are available for download ( CHA_II, LUP, OPH, PER, and SER) and can be identified from their file names using the Cloud Names listed in the table.

C2D Cloud/Off-Cloud Name C2D Cloud/Off-Cloud Position
(deg) Equatorial J2000
CHA_II  194.7605134    -77.4105852 
CHA_II_OC1  204.4754480    -75.9830901 
CHA_II_OC2  204.5116647    -77.9833136 
CHA_II_OC3  204.5644342    -79.9835496 
CHA_II_OC4  179.5091952    -77.5090898 
CHA_II_OC5  179.5323228    -78.5091126 
CHA_II_OC6  179.6099906    -81.0090512 
LUP_I  235.3555213    -34.1899269 
LUP_III  242.6621151    -38.6206366 
LUP_IV  240.4054992    -41.9443307 
LUP_OC1  243.2377296    -34.0561717 
LUP_OC2  249.9923285    -40.5566935 
LUP_OC3  237.4817279    -41.0553896 
LUP_OC4  241.7347567    -43.0560305 
OPH_ALL  248.1359030    -24.1603341 
OPH_L1688  246.8411188    -24.0650663 
OPH_L1689  249.2936247    -24.5320751 
OPH_NORTH  251.1641506    -21.5130089 
OPH_OC1  247.8828833    -21.1103219 
OPH_OC2  245.8845313    -22.4436390 
OPH_OC3  250.3828289    -23.1935263 
OPH_OC4  252.0911205    -24.9435310 
OPH_OC5  250.0095361    -25.9436207 
OPH_OC6  245.8866117    -25.9440098 
PER_ALL  54.0614253    31.5386524 
PER_E  55.0558505    31.9400733 
PER_W  52.0201778    30.9264246 
SER  277.3324293    0.6131095 
SER_OC1  279.9934610    4.0565711 
SER_OC2  273.2432016    3.0565691 
SER_OC3  274.9932999    2.0566317 
SER_OC4  270.7435417    -0.9432020 
SER_OC5  279.9933552    -2.4432035 
SER_OC6  273.7440849    -5.4433582 
SER_OC7  275.4936046    -1.4431609 
SER_OC8  268.2432435    0.5565270 

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