Data Access

CSI 2264 Object Table Column Descriptions


The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264 (CSI 2264) photometrically monitored the star-forming region NGC 2264 for 30+ days starting in December 2011. It constitutes a unique cooperative effort including 15 ground- and space- based telescopes. It was conceived of in the process of executing the Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR) project (Morales-Calderon et al. 2011; L. Rebull 2014, submitted), and involves many of the same people and processing approach. These projects are exploring the variability properties of young stars in several young clusters at an unprecedented combination of cadence, photometric precision, and wavelength coverage, particularly in the infrared.

The CSI 2264 project performed photometric monitoring of young NGC 2264 cluster members using the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC; Fazio et al. 2004) and the Convection, Rotation and Planetary Transits satellite (CoRoT; Baglin et al. 2006) simultaneously. Thirteen other telescopes monitored the region at different times concurrently with (or closely in time to) the primary Spitzer and CoRoT joint campaign. The CSI 2264 project is described in detail in Cody et al. (2014).

Table 1 contains one line per object, and covers all of the objects in the greater NGC 2264 region, not just those that have light curves or are members. As these objects are in the Monoceros region, we have adopted the prefix CSIMon (note that the space between CSI and Mon, as included in Cody et al. 2014, is now omitted). There are 38 columns in this table, described below. Each of these values included in this table have a single value per object, such as RA or Dec. Light curve morphologies (columns 37-38) are only provided if published by Cody et al. (2014). This omits most stars lacking infrared excesses.

Name Intype Units Description
MON char Identification number from the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264
ra double deg Right ascension (J2000; 2MASS system)
dec double deg Declination (J2000; 2MASS system)
TWOMASS char 2MASS catalog id
ALTID char alternative id(s), if any
COROT01 char Identification number from the first CoRoT short run
COROT05 char Identification number from the fifth CoRoT short run
MAG_U double mag SDSS u-band magnitude from Venuti et al. (2014)
ERR_U double mag Uncertainty on u-band magnitude
MAG_G double mag SDSS g-band magnitude from Venuti et al. (2014)
ERR_G double mag Uncertainty on g-band magnitude
MAG_R double mag SDSS r-band magnitude from Venuti et al. (2014)
ERR_R double mag Uncertainty on r-band magnitude
MAG_I double mag SDSS i-band magnitude from Venuti et al. (2014)
ERR_I double mag Uncertainty on i-band magnitude. These values are estimated from instrumental errors (i.e., photon noise and background), and hence are severe underestimates.
MAG_J double mag J-band magnitude from the 2MASS point source catalog
ERR_J double mag Uncertainty on J-band magnitude
MAG_H double mag H-band magnitude from the 2MASS point source catalog
ERR_H double mag Uncertainty on H-band magnitude
MAG_K double mag Ks-band magnitude from the 2MASS point source catalog
ERR_K double mag Uncertainty on Ks-band magnitude
MAG_36 double mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 band (3.6 microns) magnitude from Cody et al. (2014)
ERR_36 double mag Uncertainty on [3.6]-band magnitude
MAG_45 double mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 2 band (4.5 microns) magnitude from Cody et al. (2014)
ERR_45 double mag Uncertainty on [4.5]-band magnitude
MAG_58 double mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 3 band (5.8 microns) magnitude from Cody et al. (2014)
ERR_58 double mag Uncertainty on [5.8]-band magnitude
MAG_80 double mag Spitzer/IRAC channel 4 band (8.0 microns) magnitude from Cody et al. (2014)
ERR_80 double mag Uncertainty on [8.0]-band magnitude
MAG_24 double mag Spitzer/MIPS 24 micron band magnitude from Cody et al. (2014)
ERR_24 double mag Uncertainty on [24]-band magnitude
SPT char Spectral type, if available
SPTREF char Spectral type reference:
  • mak04 = Makidon et al. (2004)
  • dahm05 = Dahm & Simon (2005)
  • W56 = Walker 1956
MEM int Membership flag:
  • -1 = likely field object
  • 0 = no membership information
  • 1 = very likely NGC2264 member
  • 2 = possible NGC2264 member
BINARY char Binarity flag
IR_EXCESS char Infrared excess flag
LCTYPE_COROT char CoRoT light curve morphology during 2011-12 monitoring, if available:
  • S = Stochastic
  • U = Unclassifiable variable type
  • QPS = Quasi-periodic symmetric
  • QPD = Quasi-periodic dipper
  • QPB = Quasi-periodic burster
  • L = Long-timescale variable
  • N = Non-variable
  • B = Burster
  • D = Dipper
  • EB = Eclipsing Binary
  • P = Periodic
  • MP = Multi-periodic
LCTYPE_SPITZER char Spitzer light curve morphology during 2011-12 monitoring, if available:
  • S = Stochastic
  • U = Unclassifiable variable type
  • QPS = Quasi-periodic symmetric
  • QPD = Quasi-periodic dipper
  • QPB = Quasi-periodic burster
  • L = Long-timescale variable
  • N = Non-variable
  • B = Burster
  • D = Dipper
  • EB = Eclipsing Binary
  • P = Periodic
  • MP = Multi-periodic