Data Access

CSI 2264 CoRoT Light Curves Column Descriptions


The Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264 (CSI 2264) photometrically monitored the star-forming region NGC 2264 for 30+ days starting in December 2011. It constitutes a unique cooperative effort including 15 ground- and space- based telescopes. It was conceived of in the process of executing the Young Stellar Object Variability (YSOVAR) project (Morales-Calderon et al. 2011; L. Rebull 2014, submitted), and involves many of the same people and processing approach. These projects are exploring the variability properties of young stars in several young clusters at an unprecedented combination of cadence, photometric precision, and wavelength coverage, particularly in the infrared.

The CSI 2264 project performed photometric monitoring of young NGC 2264 cluster members using the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC; Fazio et al. 2004) and the Convection, Rotation and Planetary Transits satellite (CoRoT; Baglin et al. 2006) simultaneously. Thirteen other telescopes monitored the region at different times concurrently with (or closely in time to) the primary Spitzer and CoRoT joint campaign. The CSI 2264 project is described in detail in Cody et al. (2014).

Table 2 consists of CoRoT light curves. Note that this table only contains light curves for objects that are very likely NGC 2264 members (using the criteria described in Cody et al. 2014). There are many rows for each object, because each object has many epochs of data. There are 9 columns in this table, as follows. Columns 7, 8, and 9 (the IRAC excess flag and the light curve types) are duplications of information found in the Object Table, but are repeated here to make it easy for users to, e.g., pull out all of the light curves of a specific type.

Name Intype Units Description
CSIMON_ID char Identification number from the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264
ra double deg Right ascension (J2000; 2MASS system)
dec double deg Declination (J2000; 2MASS system)
HMJD double days Heliocentric modified Julian date
MAG_R double mag CoRoT magnitude, calibrated to the R band
ERR double mag Uncertainty on the CoRoT magnitude.
IR_EXCESS char Infrared excess flag
LCTYPE_COROT char CoRoT light curve morphology during 2011-12 monitoring, if available:
  • S = Stochastic
  • U = Unclassifiable variable type
  • QPS = Quasi-periodic symmetric
  • QPD = Quasi-periodic dipper
  • QPB = Quasi-periodic burster
  • L = Long-timescale variable
  • N = Non-variable
  • B = Burster
  • D = Dipper
  • EB = Eclipsing Binary
  • P = Periodic
  • MP = Multi-periodic
LCTYPE_SPITZER char Spitzer light curve morphology during 2011-12 monitoring, if available:
  • S = Stochastic
  • U = Unclassifiable variable type
  • QPS = Quasi-periodic symmetric
  • QPD = Quasi-periodic dipper
  • QPB = Quasi-periodic burster
  • L = Long-timescale variable
  • N = Non-variable
  • B = Burster
  • D = Dipper
  • EB = Eclipsing Binary
  • P = Periodic
  • MP = Multi-periodic

Notes on individual objects

The following light curves may be contaminated by light from bright neighboring stars:

A number of other light curves have been deleted due to poor data quality (i.e., systematic effects) in 2011. From the 2011 campaign, these include: CSIMon- 000003, CSIMon-000006, CSIMon-000022, CSIMon-000024, CSIMon-000060, CSIMon-000184, CSIMon-000192, CSIMon-000216, CSIMon-000219, CSIMon- 000247, CSIMon-000253, CSIMon-000305, CSIMon-000319, CSIMon-000484, CSIMon-000499, CSIMon-000586, CSIMon-000593, CSIMon-000609, CSIMon- 000614, CSIMon-000714, CSIMon-000723, CSIMon-000794, CSIMon-000805, CSI Mon-000843, CSIMon-000878, CSIMon-000931, CSIMon-000944, CSIMon- 000946, CSIMon-000967, CSIMon-000976, CSIMon-000990, CSIMon-001056, CSI Mon-001074, CSIMon-001101, CSIMon-001271, CSIMon-000505, CSIMon-000761, CSIMon-000836, CSIMon-000924, CSIMon-001416, CSIMon-001416, CSIMon-001603, and CSIMon-000227.