Data Access

Cygnus-X Catalog Definitions


The Cygnus-X project is a Cycle 4 Legacy program (PID 40184) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The survey imaged a ~24 square degree region centered near 20:30:25, +40:00 (J2000) with IRAC and the MIPS 24 micron band.

Two catalog data products are provided, the Catalog and the Archive. The Catalog has more stringent constraints on S/N and detections in multiple bands, so in principle it is more reliable than the Archive. However, the lists differ mostly in the sources included at the faint end, including more sources that satisfy the S/N criterion in both IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 m bands. A detailed comparison between the Archive sources and the mosaics indicates that most of the sources are likely real, but a conservative estimate of the S/N has pushed them slightly outside of the requirement for inclusion in the Catalog. For details, see the data delivery document.

Please cite Hora et al. (2011, in preparation; also see Kraemer et al. 2010, Beerer et al. 2010) if you use these data.

Name Intype Units Description
ra double degree RA (J2000)
dec double degree Dec (J2000)
designation char Source designation
TMASSJRA double degree 2MASS J-band RA (J2000)
TMASSJDEC double degree 2MASS J-band Dec (J2000)
TMASSHRA double degree 2MASS H-band RA (J2000)
TMASSHDEC double degree 2MASS H-band Dec (J2000)
TMASSKRA double degree 2MASS K-band RA (J2000)
TMASSKDEC double degree 2MASS K-band Dec (J2000)
IRACI1RA double degree IRAC Channel 1 RA (J2000)
IRACI1DEC double degree IRAC Channel 1 Dec (J2000)
IRACI2RA double degree IRAC Channel 2 RA (J2000)
IRACI2DEC double degree IRAC Channel 2 Dec (J2000)
IRACI3RA double degree IRAC Channel 3 RA (J2000)
IRACI3DEC double degree IRAC Channel 3 Dec (J2000)
IRACI4RA double degree IRAC Channel 4 RA (J2000)
IRACI4DEC double degree IRAC Channel 4 Dec (J2000)
Jmag float mag 2MASS J-band magnitude
Hmag float mag 2MASS H-band magnitude
Kmag float mag 2MASS K-band magnitude
I1mag float mag IRAC Channel 1 magnitude
I2mag float mag IRAC Channel 2 magnitude
I3mag float mag IRAC Channel 3 magnitude
I4mag float mag IRAC Channel 4 magnitude
eJmag float mag 2MASS J-band magnitude uncertainty
eHmag float mag 2MASS H-band magnitude uncertainty
eKmag float mag 2MASS K-band magnitude uncertainty
I1mage float mag IRAC Channel 1 magnitude uncertainty
I2mage float mag IRAC Channel 2 magnitude uncertainty
I3mage float mag IRAC Channel 3 magnitude uncertainty
I4mage float mag IRAC Channel 4 magnitude uncertainty
MIPSRA double degree MIPS 24micron source RA (J2000)
MIPSDEC double degree MIPS 24micron source Dec (J2000)
M24mag float mag MIPS 24micron magnitude
M24merr float mag MIPS 24micron magnitude uncertainty
M24_FWHM float arcsec MIPS 24micron source Full width half maximum diameter
M24_d float arcsec Distance between MIPS and IRAC source position
I1flux float uJy IRAC Channel 1 Flux Density
I2flux float uJy IRAC Channel 2 Flux Density
I3flux float uJy IRAC Channel 3 Flux Density
I4flux float uJy IRAC Channel 4 Flux Density
M24flux float uJy MIPS 24micron Flux Density
I1ferr float uJy IRAC Channel 1 Flux Density uncertainty
I2ferr float uJy IRAC Channel 2 Flux Density uncertainty
I3ferr float uJy IRAC Channel 3 Flux Density uncertainty
I4ferr float uJy IRAC Channel 4 Flux Density uncertainty
M24ferr float uJy MIPS 24micron Flux Density uncertainty