2011/06/21    Joseph L. Hora

Cygnus-X Survey Photometry mosaics or "tiles"

The mosaics in this directory are the images used by the photvis program
to perform the source detection and photometry for the Cygnus-X survey
catalogs and archives in Data Delivery 1.  The clustergrinder program was 
used on the BCD version 18.5 to create the mosaics from the data.  See the 
data delivery description document for more information.

The data were processed mostly using a single AOR per mosaic tile, except for
a few small AORs that were combined with adjacent AORs.  See the list in the 
table below for a mapping of each AOR to image tile.

The files in this directory have names of the form IX_tileNNNN_mos.fits or
IX_tileNNNN_msk.fits, where X is the IRAC channel number (1, 2, 3, or 4 for
the 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8 micron channels, respectively), NNNN is the 4-digit 
tile label (see table below) and the *mos.fits files being the flux image
and the *msk.fits file is an image that shows the depth of coverage at each 
point. The *msk.fits file shows the overlaps between frames, and also where
pixels have been rejected due to being bad pixels in the arrays, or having 
cosmic rays, saturation, or other effects that could cause a pixel to be 

Table 1. Association of AOR number to Tile name 

                           Approximate Center
AOR             Date       Position (J2000.0)      Tile name
22497792 IRAC 2007-11-21 20h42m44.97s +42d40m30s   tile7792
22498048 IRAC 2007-11-22 20h37m58.19s +42d40m30s   tile8048
22498560 IRAC 2007-11-23 20h28m24.62s +42d40m30s   tile8560
22498816 IRAC 2007-11-23 20h23m37.82s +42d40m30s   tile8816
22499072 IRAC 2007-11-23 20h46m15.40s +42d13m30s   tile9072
22499328 IRAC 2007-11-23 20h42m44.97s +41d45m54s   tile9328
22499584 IRAC 2007-11-24 20h37m58.19s +41d45m54s   tile9584
22499840 IRAC 2007-11-24 20h33m11.39s +41d45m54s   tile9840
22500096 IRAC 2007-11-24 20h28m24.62s +41d45m54s   tile0096
22500352 IRAC 2007-11-25 20h23m37.82s +41d45m54s   tile0352
22500608 IRAC 2007-11-25 20h19m23.00s +41d38m00s   tile0608
22500864 IRAC 2007-11-25 20h42m44.97s +40d51m18s   tile0864
27108352 IRAC 2008-08-18 20h29m43.59s +37d51m59s   tile8352
27108608 IRAC 2008-08-18 20h26m04.80s +37d14m56s   tile8608
27107072 IRAC 2008-08-19 20h26m42.51s +38d57m05s   tile7072
27107328 IRAC 2008-08-19 20h25m28.94s +37d56m23s   tile0912
27109632 IRAC 2008-08-19 20h17m54.24s +39d22m51s   tile9632
27110400 IRAC 2008-08-19 20h22m12.11s +39d10m18s   tile0400
27110912 IRAC 2008-08-19 20h22m13.32s +38d07m44s   tile0912
27107840 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h32m20.32s +39d36m51s   tile7840
27108096 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h31m12.91s +38d43m53s   tile8096
27109376 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h19m11.76s +40d15m46s   tile9376
27111424 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h36m50.73s +39d23m39s   tile1424
27111680 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h35m43.32s +38d30m40s   tile1680
27112448 IRAC 2008-08-20 20h40m32.50s +39d00m11s   tile2448
27105792 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h18m00.00s +42d00m00s   tile5792
27106304 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h20m00.72s +41d24m25s   tile6304
27106560 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h28m57.35s +40d43m02s   tile1936
27108864 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h45m34.73s +43d32m27s   tile8864
27109120 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h19m54.84s +40d59m47s   tile9120
27109888 IRAC 2008-08-21 20h24m26.94s +40d56m15s   tile9888
27107584 IRAC 2008-08-22 20h33m27.75s +40d29m50s   tile7584
27111168 IRAC 2008-08-22 20h37m58.15s +40d16m37s   tile6048
27110656 IRAC 2008-08-23 20h33m17.52s +42d41m49s   tile0656
27106048 IRAC 2008-08-23 20h38m24.00s +41d03m43s   tile6048
27111936 IRAC 2008-08-23 20h28m45.58s +41d19m40s   tile1936
27112192 IRAC 2008-08-23 20h42m14.96s +40d04m57s   tile2192
27112704 IRAC 2008-08-23 20h33m12.00s +41d15m03s   tile7584
27106816 IRAC 2008-08-24 20h27m49.93s +39d50m04s   tile6816
27110144 IRAC 2008-08-24 20h23m19.53s +40d03m16s   tile0144
27989760 IRAC 2008-11-13 20h21m48.80s +37d29m54s   tile9760
27990016 IRAC 2008-11-13 20h25m58.80s +38d21m50s   tile0016