Data Access

DeepDrill Dual Band Catalog Definitions


The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will observe several Deep Drilling Fields (DDFs) to a greater depth and with a more rapid cadence than the main survey. The "DeepDrill" survey used the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) to observe three of the four currently defined DDFs in two bands, centered on 3.6 um and 4.5 um. These observations expand the area which was covered by an earlier set of observations in these three fields by the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS). The combined DeepDrill and SERVS data cover the footprints of the LSST DDFs in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South field (ECDFS), the ELAIS-S1 field (ES1), and the XMM-Large-Scale Structure Survey field (XMM-LSS).

If you use DeepDrill data, please cite Lacy et al. (2020).

Name Intype Units Description
Name char Name
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
FluxAper1_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density, aperture 1 (1.4")
FluxAper2_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density, aperture 2 (1.9")
FluxAper3_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density, aperture 3 (2.9")
FluxAper4_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density, aperture 4 (4.1")
FluxAper5_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density, aperture 5 (5.8")
FluxAper1_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density, aperture 1 (1.4")
FluxAper2_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density, aperture 2 (1.9")
FluxAper3_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density, aperture 3 (2.9")
FluxAper4_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density, aperture 4 (4.1")
FluxAper5_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density, aperture 5 (5.8")
FluxErrAper1_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 1 (1.4")
FluxErrAper2_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 2 (1.9")
FluxErrAper3_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 3 (2.9")
FluxErrAper4_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 4 (4.1")
FluxErrAper5_3p6 float uJy Aperture corrected 3.6 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 5 (5.8")
FluxErrAper1_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 1 (1.4")
FluxErrAper2_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 2 (1.9")
FluxErrAper3_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 3 (2.9")
FluxErrAper4_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 4 (4.1")
FluxErrAper5_4p5 float uJy Aperture corrected 4.5 um flux density uncertainty, aperture 5 (5.8")
FluxIso_3p6 float uJy Isophotal 3.6 um flux density
FluxIso_4p5 float uJy Isophotal 4.5 um flux density
FluxErrIso_3p6 float uJy Isophotal 3.6 um flux density uncertainty
FluxErrIso_4p5 float uJy Isophotal 4.5 um flux density uncertainty
FluxAuto_3p6 float uJy SExtractor Auto 3.6 um flux density
FluxAuto_4p5 float uJy SExtractor Auto 4.5 um flux density
FluxErrAuto_3p6 float uJy SExtractor Auto 3.6 um flux density uncertainty
FluxErrAuto_4p5 float uJy SExtractor Auto 4.5 um flux density uncertainty
KronRadius_3p6 float pixel Kron radius at 3.6 um
KronRadius_4p5 float pixel Kron radius at 4.5 um
SNR_3p6 double Signal-to-noise ratio at 3.6 um
SNR_4p5 double Signal-to-noise ratio at 4.5 um
Cov_3p6 double 100s Coverage at 3.6 um
Cov_4p5 double 100s Coverage at 4.5 um
Flag_3p6 double Flag at 3.6 um: bit 1 = photometry may be affected by neighbors or bad pixels
bit 2 = the source was blended with a nearby object
bit 3 = the source is either a bright (K<12) star, or within the halo of a bright star
Flag_4p5 double Flag at 4.5 um: bit 1 = photometry may be affected by neighbors or bad pixels
bit 2 = the source was blended with a nearby object
bit 3 = the source is either a bright (K<12) star, or within the halo of a bright star