# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: lc -b '+all' 'xs = %l %b 2 vector' # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] 86.4566666666667 >= %xs[0] 87.0433333333333 < and %xs[1] -1.04333333333333 >= and %xs[1] -0.456666666666667 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 91300293 24251648 462 54430.8583806 10.4 315.605284140371 45.2635483335468 89.7752823086032 0.1603974 0.03538445 91300301 24251648 462 54430.858679 10.4 315.585165064053 45.2541263338297 89.7616699486008 0.1635178 0.03538676 91300309 24251648 462 54430.8589451 10.4 315.566082026166 45.2562488337659 89.7466613028856 0.1691389 0.03538587 91300317 24251648 462 54430.8592253 10.4 315.54408891144 45.2406907573106 89.7332013244618 0.1736511 0.03538987 91300325 24251648 462 54430.8595517 10.4 315.545981209462 45.1958901849367 89.7344669891622 0.1681256 0.03540248 91300333 24251648 462 54430.8598317 10.4 315.518151626962 45.1867568518776 89.71261806315469 0.1775265 0.0354046 91300341 24251648 462 54430.8601118 10.4 315.530125642628 45.1669927595223 89.72288667327091 0.1730082 0.03541038 91300349 24251648 462 54430.8603919 10.4 315.522714719773 45.1874641819843 89.7163885242383 0.1760738 0.03540454 91300357 24251648 462 54430.8607692 10.4 315.596603999606 45.1166433956498 89.7717274305637 0.1519506 0.03542577 91300365 24251648 462 54430.8610539 10.4 315.576628410463 45.0953537232109 89.7569318452813 0.1579824 0.03543145 91300373 24251648 462 54430.861348 10.4 315.587204291554 45.1250708120626 89.7652550458034 0.1548984 0.0354233 91300381 24251648 462 54430.8616511 10.4 315.611959582479 45.1012992711097 89.77875739617861 0.1478028 0.03543046 91301101 24251648 462 54430.8884471 10.4 315.480617259499 45.1156382995255 89.6897525076913 0.1809263 0.03542724 91301109 24251648 462 54430.8887179 10.4 315.467751045141 45.1238645204324 89.6812131486905 0.1843286 0.03542474 91301125 24251648 462 54430.8893337 10.4 315.429011671305 45.1739218522631 89.6566657052561 0.1943548 0.03541009 91301133 24251648 462 54430.8896323 10.4 315.429091837969 45.2117173511281 89.6546423682431 0.1965678 0.03539953 91301141 24251648 462 54430.889917 10.4 315.405456761755 45.1981937970471 89.6355768904621 0.1981065 0.03540296 91301149 24251648 462 54430.8902156 10.4 315.454081003886 45.1925183933719 89.6710951994197 0.1917373 0.03540538 91301157 24251648 462 54430.8905698 10.4 315.498786919211 45.2481535167009 89.6995473644065 0.1832303 0.0353906 91301165 24251648 462 54430.8908452 10.4 315.468322606023 45.2539047184517 89.68121176217581 0.1875285 0.03538851 91301173 24251648 462 54430.8910882 10.4 315.470494759805 45.2544466415124 89.68303218095529 0.1872819 0.03538843 91301181 24251648 462 54430.891336 10.4 315.47337533664 45.2549674331631 89.6853025064825 0.1869727 0.03538836 91301189 24251648 462 54430.89169 10.4 315.359217647759 45.2657766411719 89.60065207732551 0.1903977 0.0353835 91301197 24251648 462 54430.8920072 10.4 315.426827879704 45.2450092251289 89.6507668958477 0.1914646 0.03539044 91301205 24251648 462 54430.8923243 10.4 315.353673609464 45.2589345259927 89.60006114193089 0.1919171 0.03538539 91301213 24251648 462 54430.8925859 10.4 315.362007298316 45.2510334749478 89.6093563650474 0.1933576 0.03538777 91302053 24251648 462 54430.9240878 10.4 315.280644092423 45.2646447662063 89.5479737277185 0.1941573 0.03538634 91302061 24251648 462 54430.9243586 10.4 315.272195884346 45.2793025157662 89.54477377482959 0.1924236 0.03538214 91302069 24251648 462 54430.9246572 10.4 315.293093467051 45.2511820999434 89.5610677094022 0.1957938 0.03539037 91302077 24251648 462 54430.9249419 10.4 315.269265342769 45.2650495642712 89.54025379414691 0.1951859 0.03538614