# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: lc -b '+all' 'xs = %l %b 2 vector' # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] 240.456666666667 >= %xs[0] 241.043333333333 < and %xs[1] -0.543333333333333 >= and %xs[1] 0.0433333333333333 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 46942823 14782464 20499 53700.850724 1.2 116.175426512544 -24.319493936623 -63.6107425454646 3.079274 2.282698 46942827 14782464 20499 53700.8508442 1.2 116.178386512454 -24.3174232700182 -63.6114258788053 3.088749 2.282799 46942831 14782464 20499 53700.8509738 1.2 116.174149012581 -24.3201472699363 -63.6101608788425 3.077258 2.282649