# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc'
# header:
# text     1 1           byteorder                       LITTLE_ENDIAN
# comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody
# comment: history: lc -b
# comment: history: getxsfromradec 67.896278 18.010387
# comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -0.510568733333333 >= %xs[0] 0.0760979333333335 < and %xs[1] -0.926145033333333 >= and %xs[1] -0.339478366666667 < and' -b
# comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b
# comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody'
# contents: 10
# number   1 1           DCE                   
# number   1 1           AOR                   
# number   1 1           PID                   
# number   1 1           MJD                   
# number   1 1           Exptime               
# number   1 1           RA                    
# number   1 1           DEC                   
# number   1 1           PA                    
# number   1 1           ISM                   
# number   1 1           Zody                  
#                    DCE                    AOR                    PID                    MJD                Exptime                     RA                    DEC                     PA                    ISM                   Zody
                28680396                3965184                     37          53420.6571587                   10.4       68.1506479541935       17.4135864003405       80.5296918826679              0.0449737               0.125572
                28680404                3965184                     37          53420.6574387                   10.4      68.15187045415669       17.4156700925859       80.5306144211023             0.04505448               0.125575
                28680412                3965184                     37          53420.6577003                   10.4      68.14713874596561       17.4140281439171       80.5275854330509             0.04504662              0.1255786
                28680420                3965184                     37          53420.6580591                   10.4      68.12530616328711       17.5291358071284      80.52014291661661             0.04796881              0.1258574
                28680428                3965184                     37          53420.6583206                   10.4       68.1261834132611       17.5242285572759       80.5200421874513             0.04791037               0.125846
                28680436                3965184                     37          53420.6585823                   10.4       68.1270573779785       17.5283810122791       80.5210361483178             0.04794292              0.1258538
                28680708                3965184                     37          53420.6724338                   10.4       67.8648399627732        17.103890903227       80.3199036267865             0.04173569               0.125324
                28680716                3965184                     37          53420.6726908                   10.4       67.8629686166753        17.104123948092       80.3210394927754             0.04172173              0.1253274
                28680724                3965184                     37          53420.6729524                   10.4       67.8652268377615       17.1087684030805       80.3192658268029             0.04181013              0.1253347
                18784404                5710336                    173           53255.921542                   10.4       68.2368491439134       17.5919998565235      -97.4265091743893             0.04774715              0.1523794
                18784412                5710336                    173          53255.9218452                   10.4       68.2509458642264       17.6093124713882      -97.4211824186962             0.04815805              0.1524384