# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: getxsfromradec 67.896278 18.010387 # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] 1.48943126666667 >= %xs[0] 2.07609793333333 < and %xs[1] 0.573854966666667 >= and %xs[1] 1.16052163333333 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 11533996 4086016 42 53072.9911664 96.8 66.12344113504849 18.9852825950832 81.8516487750578 2.428906 5.571465 11534001 4086016 42 53072.9924396 96.8 66.1253148049932 18.984722405101 81.8513439235595 2.433899 5.571313 11534006 4086016 42 53072.9937173 96.8 66.1272416249338 18.9827728301585 81.8532056375076 2.439982 5.571066 41941281 4086272 42 53629.4614279 96.8 66.10724127553431 19.0867465920372 -98.25809059554859 2.43031 3.979316 41941286 4086272 42 53629.4626872 96.8 66.105346785591 19.0873787820183 -98.2585700955369 2.428246 3.979013 41941291 4086272 42 53629.4639419 96.8 66.1033592532757 19.0893299121086 -98.2601022296426 2.426608 3.978713 11289601 4086528 42 53071.2028247 10.4 66.12349139966121 18.9854150839253 81.74279195014179 2.428898 5.332891 11289605 4086528 42 53071.2030794 10.4 66.12538820729699 18.984827660866 81.744914980837 2.43389 5.332618 11289609 4086528 42 53071.2034682 10.4 66.14723118100061 18.8723964751385 81.75195613254699 2.413471 5.322577 11289613 4086528 42 53071.2037182 10.4 66.1459837643724 18.8733837251091 81.7507303409041 2.41404 5.32285 11289617 4086528 42 53071.2039821 10.4 66.1475577450952 18.869023472035 81.75425212678491 2.408506 5.322383 11289633 4086528 42 53071.2056118 10.4 66.10152997724499 19.0714598890351 81.715670162493 2.417141 5.341624 11289637 4086528 42 53071.2058802 10.4 66.1053712463596 19.0751864273844 81.7150360317673 2.4234 5.341354 11289641 4086528 42 53071.2061441 10.4 66.1048755925309 19.0698374275459 81.7195161778415 2.421515 5.341124 11516818 4097280 42 53072.8887143 10.4 66.3107886344238 18.971130305508 81.9129732777137 2.62166 5.528321 11516826 4097280 42 53072.8890497 10.4 66.3119964677211 18.9742358887481 81.9129217402143 2.625465 5.528398 11516834 4097280 42 53072.8893531 10.4 66.3134821343436 18.9738885137586 81.9140336735238 2.626768 5.528196