# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: getxsfromradec 188.47931 -79.733116 # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -1.03882283333333 >= %xs[0] -0.452156166666667 < and %xs[1] -1.34969203333333 >= and %xs[1] -0.763025366666667 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 80575765 19985152 30574 54284.1866757 10.4 191.850164214299 -80.68903820280811 67.1578664416673 0.1023906 0.1460595 80575773 19985152 30574 54284.1869464 10.4 191.840495817214 -80.6850375394654 67.1686974188127 0.1042229 0.1460595 80575781 19985152 30574 54284.1873097 10.4 191.555933389732 -80.7472918260692 67.4496653496284 0.09646145 0.1461158 80575789 19985152 30574 54284.1875574 10.4 191.570270056106 -80.7487246914056 67.4363753723714 0.09521965 0.1461146 80575797 19985152 30574 54284.1879301 10.4 191.281546603209 -80.6841863087232 67.7189176331926 0.1333003 0.1461297 80575805 19985152 30574 54284.1881825 10.4 191.297688141139 -80.6880844624539 67.70342636450439 0.1319621 0.146129 80576085 19985152 30574 54284.1991059 10.4 191.312625063837 -80.56324587325111 67.6899943424708 0.164448 0.1460892 80576093 19985152 30574 54284.1993628 10.4 191.278740449374 -80.56172988932821 67.72428024857921 0.1647711 0.1460931 80576101 19985152 30574 54284.1997355 10.4 191.560728133257 -80.6279032334907 67.44517537223931 0.1344553 0.1460787 80576109 19985152 30574 54284.1999832 10.4 191.57148963938 -80.62734491299319 67.4349348500851 0.1342773 0.1460772 80576117 19985152 30574 54284.2003606 10.4 191.864264662638 -80.5609480047297 67.1457006504283 0.152724 0.1460185 80576125 19985152 30574 54284.2006083 10.4 191.870340463712 -80.5603410400044 67.13959865063541 0.1530535 0.1460176 80576133 19985152 30574 54284.2009855 10.4 192.162418115223 -80.6277884642596 66.85328673608009 0.114131 0.1460032 80576141 19985152 30574 54284.2012332 10.4 192.137472122359 -80.62751537132669 66.8748799920385 0.1145356 0.1460062 80576149 19985152 30574 54284.2016105 10.4 192.418136569085 -80.5622666969997 66.5989703977088 0.1380847 0.1459492 80576157 19985152 30574 54284.2018629 10.4 192.450353875787 -80.56200323547171 66.56858389863081 0.1358511 0.1459452 80576181 19985152 30574 54284.202916 10.4 192.711620406444 -80.4974900066381 66.3086637142477 0.1422655 0.145891 80576189 19985152 30574 54284.2031637 10.4 192.720692713837 -80.49550566054231 66.2996791758991 0.1424492 0.1458892 80576213 19985152 30574 54284.2041614 10.4 192.143916705475 -80.5027065834015 66.87406757560581 0.1654639 0.1459647 80576221 19985152 30574 54284.2044091 10.4 192.164628884373 -80.5017801219017 66.85233319758269 0.1653411 0.1459618 80576245 19985152 30574 54284.2054161 10.4 191.581535055714 -80.4995420065718 67.4246101034028 0.1827552 0.1460357 80576253 19985152 30574 54284.205659 10.4 191.581987748018 -80.501157352677 67.42579668038719 0.1819201 0.1460362 80580437 20003328 30574 54284.3704696 10.4 191.859324630705 -80.6876888695155 67.34695656106931 0.1022157 0.1461004 80580445 20003328 30574 54284.3707402 10.4 191.849838124633 -80.68370742412149 67.3572132975694 0.1040168 0.1461003 80580453 20003328 30574 54284.3711038 10.4 191.56556082543 -80.7459574991755 67.64030090493431 0.09629789 0.1461565 80580461 20003328 30574 54284.3713468 10.4 191.579624671193 -80.7474173452873 67.6251757899377 0.09504102 0.1461553 80580469 20003328 30574 54284.3717241 10.4 191.292054679769 -80.6828839241457 67.9083985891323 0.1335545 0.1461708 80580477 20003328 30574 54284.3719763 10.4 191.307570064004 -80.6867680362156 67.8919104615081 0.1321866 0.1461701 80580757 20003328 30574 54284.3828953 10.4 191.322150448108 -80.5619480431625 67.8804952822572 0.1649397 0.1461309 80580765 20003328 30574 54284.3831522 10.4 191.287380833789 -80.56039600474691 67.9142507428123 0.165317 0.1461349 80580773 20003328 30574 54284.3835249 10.4 191.569715472745 -80.6265828713471 67.6365335940084 0.1345542 0.14612 80580781 20003328 30574 54284.3837726 10.4 191.58075120959 -80.6260187335496 67.62462490528149 0.1343767 0.1461185 80580789 20003328 30574 54284.3841545 10.4 191.873419662358 -80.55962558169109 67.3366793370442 0.1534064 0.1460599 80580797 20003328 30574 54284.3843975 10.4 191.879970816004 -80.55900131247979 67.3298859525998 0.1537334 0.146059 80580805 20003328 30574 54284.3847702 10.4 192.17128580724 -80.6264791181501 67.0419954227374 0.1145531 0.1460442 80580813 20003328 30574 54284.3850224 10.4 192.146896577206 -80.62616688738891 67.06507203742279 0.1149582 0.1460473 80580821 20003328 30574 54284.3853951 10.4 192.427660414953 -80.5609194278106 66.7874346996464 0.1378161 0.1459904 80580829 20003328 30574 54284.3856521 10.4 192.459278106272 -80.5606651970549 66.75726562357509 0.135574 0.1459864 80580853 20003328 30574 54284.3867054 10.4 192.720700021508 -80.496138929751 66.49811563158519 0.1422914 0.1459323 80580861 20003328 30574 54284.3869484 10.4 192.730041944363 -80.494171275966 66.48956824676711 0.1424704 0.1459305 80580885 20003328 30574 54284.3879554 10.4 192.152796577092 -80.5013770834417 67.0620943455465 0.16565 0.1460063 80580893 20003328 30574 54284.388203 10.4 192.174317121269 -80.5004358334686 67.0388756952606 0.1655661 0.1460034 80580917 20003328 30574 54284.3892053 10.4 191.591055824676 -80.49820189123029 67.6127021364355 0.1830236 0.1460776 80580925 20003328 30574 54284.389453 10.4 191.591867555425 -80.4998306668211 67.6122315529289 0.182205 0.1460781