# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc'
# header:
# text     1 1           byteorder                       LITTLE_ENDIAN
# comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody
# comment: history: lc -b
# comment: history: getxsfromradec 188.47931 -79.733116
# comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -1.03882283333333 >= %xs[0] -0.452156166666667 < and %xs[1] -1.34969203333333 >= and %xs[1] -0.763025366666667 < and' -b
# comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b
# comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody'
# contents: 10
# number   1 1           DCE                   
# number   1 1           AOR                   
# number   1 1           PID                   
# number   1 1           MJD                   
# number   1 1           Exptime               
# number   1 1           RA                    
# number   1 1           DEC                   
# number   1 1           PA                    
# number   1 1           ISM                   
# number   1 1           Zody                  
#                    DCE                    AOR                    PID                    MJD                Exptime                     RA                    DEC                     PA                    ISM                   Zody
                80575763               19985152                  30574          54284.1866757                   10.4       191.852317547568      -80.6885382028231       66.3118816007443               2.419341                4.02441
                80575771               19985152                  30574          54284.1869464                   10.4       191.842646586379       -80.684537654865      66.32271298815139               2.462488               4.024412
                80575779               19985152                  30574          54284.1873097                   10.4       191.558116306331      -80.7467938260844      66.60365138370589               2.279067               4.024905
                80575787               19985152                  30574          54284.1875574                   10.4       191.572451594503      -80.7482266914207      66.59036178785939                2.24961               4.024894
                80575795               19985152                  30574          54284.1879301                   10.4       191.283729295451     -80.68369030873809       66.8729041256036               3.151567               4.025057
                80575803               19985152                  30574          54284.1881825                   10.4       191.299868525688     -80.68758838554569       66.8574128569166               3.119855               4.025051
                80576083               19985152                  30574          54284.1991059                   10.4       191.314776313774      -80.5627498315995       66.8440106682134               3.889059               4.024799
                80576091               19985152                  30574          54284.1993628                   10.4       191.280893910848       -80.561233889343       66.8782948563739               3.896909               4.024837
                80576099               19985152                  30574          54284.1997355                   10.4       191.562883133194      -80.6274052335058      66.59918951849571               3.178002               4.024678
                80576107               19985152                  30574          54284.1999832                   10.4       191.573642972648     -80.62684691300819      66.58894988416191               3.173848               4.024666
                80576115               19985152                  30574          54284.2003606                   10.4       191.866386585652      -80.5604480047447       66.2997459120683                 3.6141               4.024162
                80576123               19985152                  30574          54284.2006083                   10.4       191.872462130315      -80.5598420400193      66.29364422637801               3.621953               4.024156
                80576131               19985152                  30574          54284.2009855                   10.4       192.164540038236      -80.6272869642747       66.0073322284964               2.700228               4.023999
                80576139               19985152                  30574          54284.2012332                   10.4        192.13959628896      -80.6270141213419       66.0289243177924               2.710061               4.024028
                80576147               19985152                  30574          54284.2016105                   10.4       192.420229261328      -80.5617636970148      65.75304408242479               3.261593               4.023541
                80576155               19985152                  30574          54284.2018629                   10.4       192.452445798799      -80.5615000047179        65.722659275659               3.208945               4.023507
                80576179               19985152                  30574           54284.202916                   10.4       192.713683867921      -80.4969850066532       65.4627667451167               3.361792               4.023052
                80576187               19985152                  30574          54284.2031637                   10.4       192.722757713775     -80.49500066055769       65.4537833606142               3.366151               4.023038
                80576211               19985152                  30574          54284.2041614                   10.4       192.146012955414      -80.5022051667501       66.0281400680025               3.911028               4.023722
                80576219               19985152                  30574          54284.2044091                   10.4       192.166722730467      -80.5012782757627       66.0064071130585               3.908234               4.023697
                80576243               19985152                  30574          54284.2054161                   10.4       191.583657747957     -80.49904396812531      66.57865451888929               4.321002               4.024376
                80576251               19985152                  30574           54284.205659                   10.4       191.584111594108      -80.5006593526919       66.5798406343352               4.301185               4.024381
                80580435               20003328                  30574          54284.3704696                   10.4       191.861486297307      -80.6871898695304       66.5009620534798               2.414861               4.025765
                80580443               20003328                  30574          54284.3707402                   10.4       191.851999278413       -80.683209039521      66.51121921306959               2.457551               4.025768
                80580451               20003328                  30574          54284.3711038                   10.4       191.567753133057      -80.7454614222671      66.79427701272959               2.275199               4.026258
                80580459               20003328                  30574          54284.3713468                   10.4       191.581815824973      -80.7469203453023      66.77915251311821               2.245451               4.026247
                80580467               20003328                  30574          54284.3717241                   10.4       191.294246987395      -80.6823889241607      67.06237550462011               3.157584               4.026418
                80580475               20003328                  30574          54284.3719763                   10.4       191.309761313939      -80.6862730362304      67.04588732891951               3.125099               4.026412
                80580755               20003328                  30574          54284.3828953                   10.4       191.324311601888     -80.56145238933119        67.034501851597               3.900747               4.026171
                80580763               20003328                  30574          54284.3831522                   10.4       191.289543141414      -80.5599010047619       67.0682559659919               3.909846                4.02621
                80580771               20003328                  30574          54284.3835249                   10.4        191.57187797268     -80.62608599636199      66.79053796142441               3.180366               4.026042
                80580779               20003328                  30574          54284.3837726                   10.4       191.582916594142      -80.6255217335645       66.7786299746149               3.176131                4.02603
                80580787               20003328                  30574          54284.3841545                   10.4       191.875551200755     -80.55912758170609       66.4907147909922               3.630234               4.025529
                80580795               20003328                  30574          54284.3843975                   10.4       191.882103123632      -80.5585023124948       66.4839217142402               3.637875               4.025523
                80580803               20003328                  30574          54284.3847702                   10.4       192.173418499484     -80.62597911816501       66.1960312228393               2.710314               4.025358
                80580811               20003328                  30574          54284.3850224                   10.4       192.149029654067      -80.6256668874036      66.21910656829399               2.719954               4.025387
                80580819               20003328                  30574          54284.3853951                   10.4       192.429765030275      -80.5604174278256       65.9414984612859               3.255267               4.024904
                80580827               20003328                  30574          54284.3856521                   10.4       192.461381567746      -80.5601631970703      65.91133130829159               3.202337               4.024868
                80580851               20003328                  30574          54284.3867054                   10.4       192.722772713754      -80.4956349297661       65.6522092009161               3.362408               4.024417
                80580859               20003328                  30574          54284.3869484                   10.4       192.732116175068      -80.4936672759811       65.6436627391749               3.366777               4.024404
                80580883               20003328                  30574          54284.3879554                   10.4       192.154901577028      -80.5008769296103       66.2161573379606                3.91528               4.025092
                80580891               20003328                  30574           54284.388203                   10.4       192.176420454539     -80.49993495848371       66.1929400626635               3.913443               4.025067
                80580915               20003328                  30574          54284.3892053                   10.4       191.593189670767      -80.4977050066298       66.7667372826822               4.327139               4.025752
                80580923               20003328                  30574           54284.389453                   10.4       191.594002972026     -80.49933366683609      66.76626608700521               4.307888               4.025756