# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n DCEnum -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t AOTType -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: getxsfromradec 241.40103 -20.090815 # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] 0.657725866666667 >= %xs[0] 1.24439253333333 < and %xs[1] -5.86175993333333 >= and %xs[1] -5.27509326666667 < and' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 75870977 13897472 20069 54196.4270526 9.960000000000001 240.649191082778 -25.6772500791976 11.3753880619232 0.3199508 41.11464 75870978 13897472 20069 54196.42718 9.960000000000001 240.64048358304 -25.7138639280984 11.3791875618091 0.3271345 41.08116 75870979 13897472 20069 54196.4273074 9.960000000000001 240.648412082802 -25.6804948291002 11.3757540619121 0.3208854 41.11155 75870980 13897472 20069 54196.4274349 9.960000000000001 240.639701583063 -25.717111928001 11.3795355617987 0.3273762 41.07806 75870981 13897472 20069 54196.4275623 9.960000000000001 240.647634582825 -25.6837442290026 11.3760980619019 0.3218165 41.10846 75870982 13897472 20069 54196.4276897 9.960000000000001 240.638924583087 -25.7203640779034 11.3798790617884 0.3276015 41.07496 75870983 13897472 20069 54196.4278171 9.960000000000001 240.641244083017 -25.7106065281962 11.3788660618187 0.326881 41.08381 75870984 13897472 20069 54196.4279446 9.960000000000001 240.649177582779 -25.6772456791978 11.3754335619218 0.3199506 41.1142 75870985 13897472 20069 54196.428072 9.960000000000001 240.64046508304 -25.7138663280984 11.3792085618084 0.3271394 41.0807 75870986 13897472 20069 54196.4281994 9.960000000000001 240.648403582802 -25.6804955791001 11.3757710619117 0.3208854 41.11111 75870987 13897472 20069 54196.4283268 9.960000000000001 240.639693583064 -25.7171165780008 11.3795330617987 0.3273762 41.07761 75870988 13897472 20069 54196.4284543 9.960000000000001 240.647627582825 -25.6837470790026 11.3761005619019 0.3218163 41.10801 75870989 13897472 20069 54196.4285817 9.960000000000001 240.638919083087 -25.7203653779033 11.379889061788 0.3276015 41.07452 75870990 13897472 20069 54196.4287091 9.960000000000001 240.641243583017 -25.7106077781962 11.3788800618182 0.3268857 41.08337