# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc'
# header:
# text     1 1           byteorder                       LITTLE_ENDIAN
# comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody
# comment: history: lc -b
# comment: history: getxsfromradec 247.6143 -24.175699
# comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -1.68753273333333 >= %xs[0] -1.10086606666667 < and %xs[1] 0.0489041666666666 >= and %xs[1] 0.635570833333333 < and' -b
# comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq !' -b
# comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody'
# contents: 10
# number   1 1           DCE                   
# number   1 1           AOR                   
# number   1 1           PID                   
# number   1 1           MJD                   
# number   1 1           Exptime               
# number   1 1           RA                    
# number   1 1           DEC                   
# number   1 1           PA                    
# number   1 1           ISM                   
# number   1 1           Zody                  
#                    DCE                    AOR                    PID                    MJD                Exptime                     RA                    DEC                     PA                    ISM                   Zody
                12284536                5750784                    177          53094.1327762                    0.4       249.364279090393       -24.090106699919       -81.378107310888              0.1217813               0.122471
                12284544                5750784                    177          53094.1330842                    0.4       249.364092936551      -24.0946908920898      -81.3785548108725              0.1237113              0.1224654
                12284552                5750784                    177          53094.1334568                    0.4       249.378722070731      -24.0185967789891      -81.3848298106915              0.1000684              0.1225634
                12284560                5750784                    177          53094.1337692                    0.4        249.37717123744      -24.0154846540823      -81.3837223107179             0.09971189              0.1225651
                12284576                5750784                    177          53094.1344545                    0.4       249.460837901595      -24.0244398204805      -81.4185598096721              0.1013295              0.1226341
                12284584                5750784                    177          53094.1348319                    0.4       249.450359472423      -24.1007796995987      -81.4138148098283              0.1256372              0.1225391
                12284592                5750784                    177           53094.135135                    0.4       249.448385241713      -24.1023976995506       -81.412337309858              0.1259707              0.1225352
                12285064                5751040                    177          53094.0470481                    0.4       249.035808747688      -24.1198789842825      -81.1986748162776              0.1342644                 0.1222
                12285072                5751040                    177          53094.0473559                    0.4       249.034262561836       -24.116764276043      -81.1985573162753              0.1320685              0.1222019
                12285080                5751040                    177          53094.0477333                    0.4        249.05101624723      -24.0429809032572     -81.20503981608189    0.09655175000000001              0.1223011
                12285088                5751040                    177          53094.0480458                    0.4       249.046512176856      -24.0374090861168      -81.2030548161422    0.09412740999999999              0.1223028
                12285096                5751040                    177          53094.0484184                    0.4       249.132660828114      -24.0484805280915     -81.23805231508901              0.1090064              0.1223716
                12285104                5751040                    177          53094.0487218                    0.4       249.130718712789      -24.0500963165052      -81.2377173151023              0.1091699              0.1223677
                12285368                5751040                    177          53094.0600387                    0.4       249.217561402488      -24.0659296621832     -81.27171731408239              0.1201633              0.1224228
                12285376                5751040                    177          53094.0603465                    0.4       249.214989094874      -24.0667833544657      -81.2714748140866              0.1203223              0.1224192
                12285384                5751040                    177          53094.0607193                    0.4       249.303814989642      -24.0777400272153     -81.30684231302369              0.1194137              0.1224909
                12285392                5751040                    177           53094.061027                    0.4       249.303400246066      -24.0723953542974      -81.3062248130409               0.117612              0.1224962
                12285672                5751296                    177          53094.0090462                    0.4       248.880091028003      -24.0719092004653     -81.10685981901069    0.09899814999999999              0.1221402
                12285680                5751296                    177           53094.009354                    0.4       248.878123335756      -24.0735349023398      -81.1065323190379    0.09945676000000001              0.1221363
                12285944                5751296                    177          53094.0206711                    0.4       248.964938333149      -24.0895252768601      -81.1418823179777              0.1078335              0.1221908
                12285952                5751296                    177          53094.0209743                    0.4       248.962343333227      -24.0903571898783     -81.14060731801661              0.1078478              0.1221871