# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: getxsfromradec 79.943634 -68.485107 # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -1.04223603333333 >= %xs[0] -0.455569366666667 < and %xs[1] 4.00706426666667 >= and %xs[1] 4.59373093333333 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 45452814 14365184 20203 53669.5592213 10.4 81.0349823590867 -64.3928194836674 -61.5227763581442 0.2166581 2.012281 45453246 14365184 20203 53669.5755035 10.4 81.1558571022441 -64.4670634109256 -61.6307920921102 0.2222887 2.013978 45453254 14365184 20203 53669.575802 10.4 81.2005159086075 -64.4313048735374 -61.6720855524683 0.2178124 2.013983 45453262 14365184 20203 53669.5761332 10.4 81.3664851824678 -64.4697186063586 -61.8223830158505 0.2158772 2.015683