# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc' # header: # text 1 1 byteorder LITTLE_ENDIAN # comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody # comment: history: lc -b # comment: history: getxsfromradec 277.41595 1.1856909 # comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] 0.0853246566666667 >= %xs[0] 0.671991323333333 < and %xs[1] -0.0784543333333335 >= and %xs[1] 0.508212333333333 < and' -b # comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b # comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody' # contents: 10 # number 1 1 DCE # number 1 1 AOR # number 1 1 PID # number 1 1 MJD # number 1 1 Exptime # number 1 1 RA # number 1 1 DEC # number 1 1 PA # number 1 1 ISM # number 1 1 Zody # DCE AOR PID MJD Exptime RA DEC PA ISM Zody 12560267 3652352 6 53096.0539939 10.4 277.302464059411 1.12068863558897 -93.2003369512252 6.876239 3.684559 12560355 3652352 6 53096.0580841 10.4 277.298124565952 1.19817559736546 -93.19897579741971 6.772269 3.679753 12560363 3652352 6 53096.0584568 10.4 277.293783941082 1.27580933670165 -93.1989637140867 6.691381 3.675193 12560451 3652352 6 53096.0625425 10.4 277.289335107882 1.35331360520839 -93.1990787140837 5.765193 3.670407 12560459 3652352 6 53096.0629151 10.4 277.285014521473 1.43094425704469 -93.1990684897246 4.997682 3.665864 12560547 3652352 6 53096.0670146 10.4 277.280807598523 1.50894104701097 -93.2022388742444 4.94312 3.661096 12560555 3652352 6 53096.0673177 10.4 277.27914552165 1.51001989313243 -93.20198041271399 4.927987 3.660904 12560563 3652352 6 53096.0676905 10.4 277.283445233059 1.43319371947713 -93.2015416306764 4.986186 3.665342 12560571 3652352 6 53096.0680587 10.4 277.287719482931 1.3563548926171 -93.2022332973221 5.706313 3.669787 12560579 3652352 6 53096.0684313 10.4 277.291985191136 1.2795367407564 -93.20289163063551 6.622987 3.674241 12560587 3652352 6 53096.068804 10.4 277.296268066007 1.20269738056303 -93.202611630644 6.740717 3.678704 12560595 3652352 6 53096.0691766 10.4 277.300534367161 1.12587021235649 -93.20259618192691 6.832523 3.683174 12580472 5711872 174 53100.1475527 10.4 277.30460927409 1.11584843733682 -94.92599241224271 6.996285 3.436564 12580476 5711872 174 53100.1478075 10.4 277.302890232475 1.11795604144021 -94.9256253289209 6.935095 3.436347 12580480 5711872 174 53100.1481222 10.4 277.297309367258 1.19427617184147 -94.926092668648 6.753091 3.432495 12580484 5711872 174 53100.1483723 10.4 277.296083399346 1.19878468484724 -94.92563241225361 6.739379 3.432198 12580488 5711872 174 53100.1486917 10.4 277.290647828997 1.27717927319899 -94.9255045917449 6.633524 3.42827 12580492 5711872 174 53100.1489464 10.4 277.289395329034 1.27421085405732 -94.9255049763604 6.649709 3.428312 12580496 5711872 174 53100.1492611 10.4 277.281279941457 1.35203271774684 -94.9257899122487 5.691628 3.424248 12580500 5711872 174 53100.1495251 10.4 277.288323405989 1.3511105709797 -94.9264311301781 5.783453 3.424721 12580504 5711872 174 53100.1498445 10.4 277.277839774894 1.42498821972345 -94.9279769955172 4.937086 3.420693 12580508 5711872 174 53100.1500992 10.4 277.278576941538 1.4303654362287 -94.9286199121665 4.939725 3.420483 12580512 5711872 174 53100.1504139 10.4 277.269114329643 1.50809684703633 -94.92839997628219 4.816119 3.416356 12580516 5711872 174 53100.1506685 10.4 277.270036983461 1.50353630101938 -94.92804036090141 4.810174 3.416601