# text format catalogue file --- do not edit manually, use 'lc'
# header:
# text     1 1           byteorder                       LITTLE_ENDIAN
# comment: history: lc -C -n DCE -n AOR -t Filename -n PID -n Ch -n MJD -n Exptime -n RA -n DEC -n PA -n l -n b -t HDRMode -t HDRFrame -n ISM -n Zody
# comment: history: lc -b
# comment: history: getxsfromradec 184.58348 45.80806
# comment: history: lc -i '%xs[0] -0.757791803333333 >= %xs[0] -0.171125136666667 < and %xs[1] 0.223314796666667 >= and %xs[1] 0.809981463333333 < and' -b
# comment: history: lc -i '%HDRFrame {long} eq' -b
# comment: history: lc 'DCE' 'AOR' 'PID' 'MJD' 'Exptime' 'RA' 'DEC' 'PA' 'ISM' 'Zody'
# contents: 10
# number   1 1           DCE                   
# number   1 1           AOR                   
# number   1 1           PID                   
# number   1 1           MJD                   
# number   1 1           Exptime               
# number   1 1           RA                    
# number   1 1           DEC                   
# number   1 1           PA                    
# number   1 1           ISM                   
# number   1 1           Zody                  
#                    DCE                    AOR                    PID                    MJD                Exptime                     RA                    DEC                     PA                    ISM                   Zody
                93129675               22554624                  40204           54461.294258                   26.8       185.155146915285       46.2918502103734      -51.1034581661857             0.04733177               6.611517
                93129683               22554624                  40204          54461.2947533                   26.8       185.158309442102       46.2959125618621      -51.1020268489831             0.04737329               6.610979
                93129691               22554624                  40204          54461.2952208                   26.8       185.160592248476       46.2957351935889      -51.0995419996064             0.04734268               6.610999
                93129699               22554624                  40204          54461.2956884                   26.8       185.156400893771       46.2944997554535      -51.1030415264144             0.04736876               6.611127
                93129707               22554624                  40204          54461.2962764                   26.8       185.055411703253       46.2074170483897      -51.1753631371498             0.04687937               6.622114
                93129715               22554624                  40204          54461.2967533                   26.8       185.061841380482       46.2017890646874      -51.1729629758373             0.04670677               6.622863
                93129723               22554624                  40204          54461.2972301                   26.8       185.054289283934       46.2019194356527       -51.178840395102             0.04679076               6.622798
                93129731               22554624                  40204          54461.2977023                   26.8       185.060565251485       46.2052414550773      -51.1746397868569             0.04678381               6.622373
                93129611               22554368                  40204          54461.2984848                   26.8       185.159996748499       46.2922709270246      -51.1030358328711             0.04728229               6.611341
                93129619               22554368                  40204          54461.2989754                   26.8       185.155879119593       46.2890916104539      -51.1055102360026             0.04726808               6.611722
                93129627               22554368                  40204           54461.299443                   26.8       185.154743581992       46.2908746604003      -51.1057183327701             0.04731463               6.611472
                93129635               22554368                  40204          54461.2999106                   26.8       185.155180248641       46.2935741264487      -51.1054603972983             0.04736283               6.611105
                93129643               22554368                  40204          54461.3005032                   26.8       185.055237993578       46.2036020162459      -51.1783631370466             0.04680967               6.622468
                93129651               22554368                  40204          54461.3009707                   26.8       185.058627251547       46.2077726128963      -51.1763991640128             0.04684881               6.621929
                93129659               22554368                  40204          54461.3014384                   26.8       185.060901541798       46.2075343709674      -51.1753686209817             0.04681968               6.621949
                93129667               22554368                  40204          54461.3019059                   26.8        185.05649647968        46.206290139255      -51.1780824183273             0.04684448               6.622078